Beyond the shadows

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You never know what could be around the corners. but I never expected this to happen. in the distance, right around the corner of a building, a purple glow radiated from the corner. I walked with caution to see what it is. I came face to face with an eye. it looked like a symbol for something. suddenly I hear a voice behind me. "don't touch that "I look behind me and there was a half cyborg half-shark. "you're going to curse this world" then she gave me a glaive "your gonna need it" she said "my name is grace"
Episode 2: the corrupt shadows
"I need to stop the shadows from corrupting the rest of this world," Grace said. suddenly a pulsing sound comes from the eye. it forms a portal. a creature comes out "watch out" grace cried. without thinking, she pulled out a blade. and with one quick slash. the creature screeched
with terror. it ran back in the portal "shadow phantoms" grace said "I fear that's not the only one" just then a hoard of them burst out the portal. we started to slash each hit made them weaker. The portal was pulsing "go there's too many of them" we ran the sky turned purple the creatures glowed purple they were searching for us "we need to shut down that portal but how "I got it" grace said "I think I know who can help" we went down to a mysterious lab grace knocked on the door the door opened and out came someone in a lab coat it was almost tech like the man introduced himself, Robbie, the lab director grace answered "we need something to close that portal we'd figure you'd have something like that" she said "hmm" Robbie replied "I could make it but it's going to take some time" how long grace said "about 2 weeks" Robbie replied "2 WEEKS" she said "I guess we're going to hold them off" grace said
Episode 3: A halting stop
"I still don't know your name why don't you tell me" grace said "Alex" I said we arrived at the portal and there was a big shadow creature "the shadow demon" grace said "the most feared of all shadows" hoards of shadow phantoms charged towards us slashing and swiping they dropped like flies and orbs flown out of them the shadow demons eyes filled with rage flying towards us at full speed grace slashed the demons wings off the demon looking even more enraged it's wing grew back fast as ever it roared it's scorpion like tail lunged at us with out thinking Alex drew his blade out than sliced the stinger off than grace threw a dagger with a chain attached to it and grappled up than slashed the shadow demons wings off than stabbed it through the heart it's chest opened up "stab the shadow heart" grace said than with out thinking Alex stabbed it the beast glitched it shook than purple orbs started flying out than the beast roared in a bellowing voice I "will have my revenge" we returned back to the lab and saw Robbie with a new invention "I made it" he said what is it grace and Alex said it's called the portal closer oh so you made it grace said "here" said Robbie giving it to grace grace and Alex went back to the portal and closed it well kinda a large hand opened the portal the shadow demon "how I thought he was dead" grace said with fear the demon was bigger than before "I said I was going to get my revenge" bellowed the shadow demon than a hoard of shadow phantoms came out the portal the demon started destroying lamp posted "wait a minute light that's it" grace said I'll distract him go get Robbie we need some light Alex went to the lab and asked Robbie for any light sources. please "don't tell me that the shadow demons back ok I can tell you his weakness he hates light so you'd probably need a flash cannon" he handed Alex the weapon Alex flashed the shadow demon once it got stunned Alex flashed him again and again and again "no I am immortal I am a god how dare you," it said the demon got enraged rings came than tentacles tried to grab grace she swiftly dodges them while slashing them
Episode 4: A shadows revenge
Alex kept flashing the demon he dematerialised. the creatures went back into the portal Alex closed the portal with no trouble. Robbie came "were saved all thanks to you" the purple sky cleared 3 months later a vortex appeared they all got sucked into a forest a mushroom forest Alex "are ok Robbie" called grace no answer "oh no this is bad this is bad," grace said "we need to find him Robbie" grace called out "help" Robbie cried "oh thank god," grace said "where are you" "I don't know" Robbie replied we found Robbie surrounded by creatures otherworldly. grace and Alex slashed them all "you saved me" said Robbie "what where you doing" grace said "stuff" said Robbie "we need to get out of here" said grace than the ground began rumbling than sprout those creatures again what are they grace snapped "nameless" Robbie said
Episode 5: Forest of the shadows
grace and Alex started to slice them "it's no use there invincible" without thinking Robbie flashed the flash cannon the nameless got stunned they were flaming grace started to slash them left and right the blade danced "that should be it for now," grace said they left quickly before anything could happen
We walked then we saw wolves but they weren't wolves at all they were menacing "quick hide" grace instinctually said the wolves passed them their eyes a crimson red one of them snarling than they fled "that was close" Robbie cried we kept exploring than there was a forest there were big trees but they where mushroom trees we found a small lake with a hill in the middle but there was humming coming from behind it "you hear that" said grace we followed the humming to a cave "a cave" said Robbie the heroes descend deep in the cave
Episode 6: The cave of no return
Than heard something behind them they turned slowly to come face to face with mutant bat monsters they had tentacles on there face kill them Robbie screeched with out thinking alex drew out his glaive than slashed them all "great" grace said as she descended down deeper than we saw a pillar they stopped how are we going to get across Robbie wondered grace jumped across the pillar "come on" she said we hop after her we came face to face with a structure "it looks otherworldly or celestial" Robbie said with excitement it was radiating with energy there was a stone it looked like an Artifact and a note beside it grace picked it up and started to read the place where shadows thrive is the place" is where you shouldn't dive" "I don't get it" grace said "maybe the cave that's it maybe it's referring to a cave we quickly went back out the cave "what is this some sort of game" said Robbie Robbie grabbed the note out of graces hand "maybe there's something on the back" sure enough there was it was a map and it said a map to the cave of the shadow "bingo" Robbie cried "this should lead us to the
he caves" descended the blue forest do you hear that said grace what Robbie and I said soon enough we ran off to the source we came to a cliff there was another underground layer it was purple
Episode 7: Land to the shadows below
The shadowlands "this looks dangerous" said Robbie "let's go then" grace snapped
Robbie looked at the map Theres a picture of a cave so thats what were looking for "let me scan the area" said grace soon enough she got a hologram of the map we looked for a path to go down to the shadows in that moment there was nameless everywhere a moment later we heard the ground shake is that the cave grace said guys follow me we had no other option but to fight to the cave we finally reached to cave there was an Eerie sound coming from within we descended deep than a bunch of the weird tentacle bats attacked not again we hit them out of the air "what are they" grace said scanning them "seekers" grace looked surprised so "that's what they are" we begin to ascend more to a massive cave we heard the ground rumble than a demonic creature 3 meters tall rose up Grace charged at the demonic creature the creature than went invisible it appeared behind grace than swiped with its tail it roars demonically than a sword flys out of nowhere stabbing the creature the creature roars in pain desperately trying to get the blade out with its tail than a figure appears on the creatures back "hit it with light NOW" they said they looked like a samurai there helmet cyber like. Robbie started to flash the creature it getting weaker and weaker and weaker

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