Chapter 2

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Edd didn't know what to do, this... man-creature was dragging him through the street. He didn't know if he could break free of that grip on his shirt. His fingers gripped at his wrists a moment, though it was as if the other either didn't notice or cared. His fingers felt as through they were tightening around soft ice. It was not what someone's arm should feel like, he gave a soft little breath. Calm down Edward, he helped you out... this shouldn't turn for the worse right? At this point Edd had completely forgotten about his shoulder that had been sliced through with the sharpened blade of the foxes. Edd still followed slowly behind, his eyes gazing up at those green orbs, that focused more on the path ahead than anything else.

There was still that voice in the back of his head, scratching and clawing at the walls of his skull. Run. It was the only thing he could think at the moment, he had worked in the hunting field for years now. Not exactly the most hands on, since he did lab testing and such on demonic cadavers but he knew how dangerous these beasts could be. Probably more than anyone. His heart was pounding against his rib cage, yet his muscles ached and begged for rest. The adrenaline had run out and so had his energy to fight back. Those green eyes, a forest color that loomed over him. Like spring taking over the winter's ice of his own. They were nice, in an odd sort of way. Captivating, and yet, so very dangerous. Getting lost in a monster's eyes was suicide, possibly just as much as wondering these vacant roads.

Edd's mind lingered back to his shoulder, the sticky warm blood that had pooled and ran down his arm was drying, but the pain was just prickling into the front of his mind. It stung, it hurt badly. He possibly needed stitches with how deep the cut was, he was lucky it didn't sever any arteries. Their walk together was silent. Making their way deeper through town, the opposite side of where Edd lived. All he could do was hold his shoulder and try to steady his breath. He couldn't afford panicking. He couldn't let his guard down. It would be about ten more minutes before the pair stopped at a large apartment complex. The red head had finally turned to him, this was the first time Edd could study his face. Pale in complexion with freckles dotting over his cheeks and face, he could also trail them down his rather toned arms. The man was fit, well built, the opposite of the brunette. Though they were a bit closer in height, with the green eyes being maybe a head taller than him.

"Alright look, I can't bring you home or whatever tonight because I'm not risking getting my ass burnt for some guy who can't keep himself out of trouble." He seemed to almost sneer to Edd, speaking as though he was forced to help. He was not, he could have left him there. Edd was sure he was going to die that night.

"Well... while I very much appreciate the hospitality, you really didn't have t-" Edd was cut off quickly by a hand raise and a grumble he couldn't quite make out the words from. He assumed the other didn't want to hear it. So Edd sighed through his nose before following him up a flight of stairs towards another apartment. The number was 413, he decided to take great note of everything. Street name included, it was right off of Peach Creek av. He still had his phone in his pocket, though his wallet had long been discarded in the scuffle. He would have to message Eddy to pick him up in the morning.. if he makes it till then.

The red headed man opened the door and those cold hands pressed to the small of Edd's back, causing him to arch up. He suck in a sharp gasp as his feet scrambled him forward into the room. Though the touch was soft and guiding a humanoid form lacking body heat was unnerving in many ways. Edd cleared his throat, trying his hardest to hide that little noise he had made. Though out of the corner of his eye he could tell that on those pink lips played a smirk. He was enjoying this. Toying with him like a cat plays with a wounded mouse. He really was dead. The red head however seemed to notice the way he hurried along and he raised a brow. Rolling his eyes into the back of his skull as he shut the door behind them both and leaned back.

"I'm not going to eat you or whatever you are thinking. Seriously, rude as shit thing to assume. Besides if I wanted to I would have done it already." The red head spoke, confirming the other's fears in an odd way. As reassuring as he was trying to be it was disconcerting that the other implied that he 'would have already done it by now'. Though the green eyes played about him again, scanning him as the red head pushed himself off the wall and strolled closer. "Look, my name's Kevin if it will help you relax. Seriously I'm not going to hurt you dude." He said with his hand on the back of his neck. A nervous gesture? The monster was nervous?

"I-I'm Edward, though most of my friends call me Double D" Edd spoke as he slowly offered his hand up in a polite hand shake. Giving a soft, half smile. Kevin, as he was apparently named, looked at the hand and then his face. He did this a few times before he took the hand, shaking it. "It is a pleasure to meet you Kevin. Now may I ask if you have a first aid kit?" Edd asked and that seemed to snap the red head into reality, he had been staring so intently into Edd's eyes. Edd would not deny the man was attractive... but he didn't want to be fooled. However Kevin rushed to go grab the kit, even offering to help him clean his wound. It was possibly much easier to tell that Edd was no hunter by the way he flinched and winced at every little dab of the rag. At one point he could tell the red head was getting rather frustrated with his antics, but nothing was spoke allowed. He simply moved his free hand into Edd's. Those cold fingers steadying him as he worked. It felt... natural to him, yet so very off. It confused Edd to say the least.

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