Mystery of the Smile Man 2: Scorched Blue, and Red all Over (chap 13)

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Song: Hermit the Frog by MARINA

Hi, so like, I disappeared again, NOT ON PURPOSE, so I'm back now

And since we all miss Ghostbur, this chapter is dedicated to him

Who should I dedicate other chapters to, I'm not sure lol


WARNING: asshole Tommy




It seems as though, Dreamy has rolled off his bed in sleep. Groaning in woken frustration, the tiny ghost got to his feet, wrapped himself in his blanket, and waddled out of his room half asleep. He whined as the cold hardwood floors stung his feet as he made his way to the bathroom half asleep.

 He whined as the cold hardwood floors stung his feet as he made his way to the bathroom half asleep

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After the longest 30 seconds of walking downstairs, he heard talking, whispering. It sounded like Mama and her friends, but also, the mean guy in the red and white shirt. Dreamy didn't like him very much for multiple reasons. He was too loud, mama always says there's a time and place for playing and being noisy, apparently to him. The time and place were all the time. 

He was just very mean, and didn't seem to like Dreamy. The tiny ghost didn't know why, and he wondered what he did wrong. Dreamy wanted to be his friend, really, he did, but the mean guy just never even gave Dreamy a chance.

Dreamy called him Tom Tom, the person who visited the smiling man.


"I just don't understand WHY you allow that......MONSTER!!! THAT PSYCHOPATH IN YOUR HOME!!!!"

"He is a CHILD, just as you are!"

"Well, if it were up to me, I'd kill the creature NOW and get this shit over with! It's probably for the best. And if you're not gonna do it, I'll take your advice and be responsible!"

Dreamy then heard footsteps approaching, with each step on the hollow wood floor Dreamys fear settled in, and he shrank down in fear, hiding under his blanket, believing that it would protect him.

Then, the tiny ghost heard a voice, light and husky, it had some sort of echo to it as if multiple people were speaking. Each sounding different, but saying the same words in unison.

Run child! Save yourself...

But Dreamy couldn't, he was frozen in terror. 

¨Hello? What's wrong tiny ghost?¨ A voice sounded from behind.

Dreamie uncovered himself to see a man. A very pale-looking man. His skin, tinted grey, along with his hair. His eyes were blanked out a pale blueish color and some weird blue goo was leaking from his eyes and mouth. He wore a baggy yellow sweater and a red beanie with mysterious blue splatter stains on it. Hell, his whole body looked like he got some blue paint dumped on him.

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