25)Little Strange

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Y/n Pov
We Were Now Here Back In The House Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

Y/n PovWe Were Now Here Back In The House Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

We Were Unboxing The Gifts On Our Guest Gave Us While We Are On For Filming A Vlog I Was Opening Jay Oppa's Gift On Us And I Was Shock On The Gift

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

We Were Unboxing The Gifts On Our Guest Gave Us While We Are On For Filming A Vlog I Was Opening Jay Oppa's Gift On Us And I Was Shock On The Gift

"Awiee Babe Look Jay Oppa Gave Us An 2 Prada Luggage"I Said

"Wait Jinja?(Really)"He Said

"Yes Look Omg!Jay Oppa If You Are Watching Thanks For This"I Said

"I Think He Heard Im Planning On Going Vaccation Thats Why He Gift Us This"He Said

"Okay Next One Its From Ow..Yeonjun Oppa"I Said And Open It And It Was An Burberry Wine Glass And Wine

Yeonjun Oppa"I Said And Open It And It Was An Burberry Wine Glass And Wine

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Wait Isn't That A Burberry?"He Ask

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Wait Isn't That A Burberry?"He Ask

"Yes It Is Riki"I Said

"Omo!Yeonjun Hyung Thanks For This"He Said

"Wait There Is A Letter Lets Read It"I Said

The Letter:

Congrats And Best Wishes On Both Of You Partner(Niki) You Finally Found The Girl You Love And You Are Marrying Her Now Enjoy The Wine I Bought Both Of You Since You Can Drink It Now Since Your Legals Dont Forget My Nephew Arrasso Anyways Congrats Again And Enjoy Your Lives As A Wedding Couple Now

From:Choi Yeonjun

"Thanks For This Gift Hyung Dont Worry Nephew Is On The Way"He Said Jokingly

"Maam Mr Jeon Jungkook Manager Give This To Us His Gift Yesterday He Said We Shoulf Take Care And Dont Lost This"The Maid Said And Gave Us A Little Box

"Okay Thanks Well An Maknae Gift In Here"I Said

"Well That Gift Is Too Small It Strange"He Said

"Aish Stop Complaining No Matter Its Small Or Big The Gift Is Lets Appreciate It They Put Some Effort On This"I Said

"Fine I Understand"He Said And I Open It And It Was A Key

"Wait Thats Little Strange"I Said And Niki Phone Rings

"Jungkook Hyung Is Calling"Niki Said

"Answer It And Put It On Speaker Phone"I Said And He Nodded And Answer It

Niki:Hello Hyung
Jungkook Oppa:Hello Love Birds So Did You Already Got My Gift?
Me:Yes Oppa Im Just Little Confuse Why Its A Key
Jungkook Oppa:*Chuckle*Because I Bought A Car On You Guys
Niki:Hyung Are You Serious On That?
Jungkook Oppa:Yes Look Outside

We Went Outside And Saw A Car

Jungkook Oppa:Did You Guys Love It?
Me:Oppa This Is Too Much
Jungkook Oppa:Its Nothing Too Much Y/n If It Becomes On My Dongsaengs Best Wishes On You Guys Bye
Niki:Thanks For This Hyung
Jungkook Oppa:Its Nothing Riki Bye
~Hang Up~

"Am I Dreaming In This?"I Said

"No You Are Not Dreaming Y/n Its Real"He Said

"Omg!"I Said Excitedly

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