"I don't have time for this. I'm leaving." And just like that, Y/n left the house without any word, leaving a sweatdropping Mitsuri and Obanai.


Y/n walked by the hallways as she hummed a tune, which is seemingly a tune that Mitsuri used to hum to her. Her bag were slung over her shoulder, her scarf was nicely covering her neck, which is where Moeru is hiding at.

As she reached the entrance of the gym, She was halted by distant loud footsteps and Shoyo's scream "Y/n-san!"

Y/n turned her head into the direction where she was called. She saw the orange-haired boy running towards her in an alarming speed, yet abruptly stopped when he was in front of her. Putting both of his hands in in his two knees, His breathing was fast and ragged from the running.

"Shoyo...What do you want?" Y/n raised a brow. Her tone seems harsh and cold, however, there was a little hint of softness in it, as far as Shoyo could tell.

"Hah...Ha.. I..." Hs took several deep breaths before bowing "I-I AM REALLY SORRY ABOUT THE OTHER DAY!"

Silence flood over them. The tangerine gulped, he didn't knew if it was a good thing or a bad thing. He was still bowing with closed eyes so he really couldn't see your reaction.

Just as he thought that the silence around them was a bad sign, a snort was heard before followed by a laugh? That kind of laugh as if he just made a really funny joke.

Shoyo let out a shaky yet relieved sigh. Hesitantly, he slowly opened his eyes before slightly peeking up.

He sees Y/n...


The young man stands up straight and stared at the noirette with confusion swirling in his eyes. With dotted eyes, he tilted his head, as if a imaginary question appeared on top of his head.

Her laughter soon died down. Y/n wiped the little tears pricking at the edge of her eyes. Shoyo watched her cheeks stretched up and her eyes squinted up a little bit. Due to her mask, The tangerine took a few seconds to process before it clicked.

Y/n is smiling.



At this point, Shoyo was sure that he could die peacefully now.

"Mn, No worries." Y/n responded, raising her hand as a gesture "Not long ago, Kageyama apologized too. And also, I'm...sorry for punching you in the guts like that."

Shoyo noticed that she hesitated when it comes to apologising. However, He smiled at the development she was building. It was almost like yesterday, Y/n was cold and mean. But now, Y/n is caring and slightly awkward, almost as if embarrassed in her actions.

"-hoyo. Are you listening to me?"

Lost in his own thoughts, It took two finger clicks for the tangerine haired boy to snapped back into reality "E-Eh? What was it again, Y/n-san?"

Y/n sighed in dissaproval and shake her head "I said, Don't often fight in front of people, especially the ones who have anxiety like Yachi."


"Hmph...Anyways, Daichi-san is treating us with pork-buns, wanna come? I'm going with you guys this time."

And without hesitance, Shogo gleefully accepted her invite with a wide smile.

If there's one thing he have noticed about Y/n, Shoyo noticed that she have been smiley and less dead inside after the training camp.


If you think Shoyo is in good terms with Y/n, Kageyama was the opposite of that, or at least, that what he thought.

He laid on his bed, gently setting the volleyball as he tried to recall all the major events.

Kageyama entered the volleyball kids training, expecting to learn a thing or two from professional volleyball players. However, He came back with a confusing and incomprehension advice from Oikawa himself.

"Can you toss exactly the way Squirt wants it? Did you even put effort into it? You stubbornly think the current one is the best one. Don't be mistaken. The one who has control of the offense is not you but squirt. If you cannot understand this, you're back from the selfish King you were."

Kageyama understands it yet confused at the same time. What was the point of Oikawa's advice? It didn't seem useful at all. His mind subconsciously drifted back at his and Y/n's conversation at the same day.

"Tch, I don't get it." Kageyama kicked the pebble and let out with an annoyed sigh.

"Hm?" Y/n side-glanced him.

"I mean what's that supposed to mean?! Oikawa's advice." He asked once again, not really expecting an answer.

"Tch, and here I thought prodigies are supposed to be smart. I guess they only love the one where their passion is." Y/n rubbed the back of her head.

After she said that, The setter raised a brow before he felt a hand put on his hair before a sudden sting from the roots of his hair. "Ack-"

"Don't fuck with me." The noirette woman muttered as she gripped the silky hair in a not-so-gentle way.

"Huh?! Are you crazy?!" Kageyama hissed in pain. Her grip on his hair was so tight that he can almost cry "What do you mean!?"

"You're useless without Shoyo, aren't you?"

Those words echoed in his head. He's just a setter. He was useless without a outside Hitter. Looking back from Oikawa's advice, Shoyo has the of the offense, not him.

Kageyama released a tired huff. He stopped throwing the volleyball and put the back of his hand on top of his forehead.

"This is too much thinking..."


My writing style automatically changed when I'm motivated

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My writing style automatically changed when I'm motivated.

Y/n got her character development that no one asked for (even though it was not shown) and I've finally got to write the scene where Y/n grabbed someone's hair and unintentionally motivate them. It was inspired from blue lock, go read it >:(

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