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"So you got something you want to tell me" Shawn ask while he sat in the living room of beyonce's house

"I'm seeing someone"

"I know that and I don't even want to be corrected by it"

"What do you mean by that"

"I see the way you look at each other heck years y'all been together you think I didn't know you and Julius hit it off"

"Shawn what are you talking about me and Julius aren't dating it's strictly work"

"oh my bad" he scratched his head

"So I get to meet him?" Robin shook his head fast behind shawn

"I don't think he's up for that today"

"Well what's his name"

"Mr Carter your car is here" robin told him quickly

"Oh well I must be off now tell the kids I'll see them friday"

"okay bye"

"Yeah see you"

"I'll walk you out"

"Oh Shawn rehearsal is coming up and I need you to watch the kids"

"you seriously doing that"

"As a heart attack"

"alright" he walked out the door robin looked on until the car pulled off in the driveway

"I thought you wanted to tell him"

"not now you wanna to get me in trouble"

"you already are in trouble" She bit her lip

"you are bad beyonce you are very very bad" he smiled

"What are you gonna do about it"

"you want to know?" She nodded her head

"I gonna strip your naked and take you up to your room and have my way with you in every corner of that room and your gonna be crying when I'm done with you" he whisper in her ear she shivered against his body as his warm breath hit her ear

"I wouldn't mind that" she looked up at him

"Of course you wouldn't but to bad we can't do that"

"babyyy" she whined he laughed letting her go

"I have to go home"

"why?" She pouted

"I have to go see my daughter"

"I keep telling you to bring her here"

"And her grandma keep telling me she want her grandbaby in the day"

"So you just gonna leave me here all alone"

"you aren't about to cry" he laughed

"it's not funny" she mumbled walking away

"bey?" He went after her "bey stop" he took a hold of her hand pulling her into a hug "why you crying"

"I don't want you to go you went Houston for a whole week already that was to long"

"You sent me off"

"now I want you to stay"

"okay I stay until you go to sleep but first I have to call my mom"

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