Its time!!!

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You were staying with Tom at his place(you were feeling better about being with him). Your mom wanted to stay with you for support, but luckily she was only 13 minutes away from you. Your brother came over to help you and hang out with Tom(ever since they met they had been best friends ever since). Charlie really wanted to name the baby either after his sister or name her Lucy. Your husband also agreed that it would be cute to name her after you. The name that you wanted to give your little girl would be Rose.

You were home with your brother, your husband was out with the movie crew. When suddenly a pain erupted from your stomach, your brother came to you "Is it the baby?" He was clam and a little nervous when he spoke to you. You started to panic because you didn't want to go into labor without your husband by your side. You mumbled yeah and he helped you sit down. A few minutes later you stood up because something felt wrong you looked down and you could see a puddle of a liquid on the ground in front of you. Your first thought was "The baby's coming!" Charlie came back and noticed the puddle on the floor, "Don't worry sis I will clean it up." Just as he was about to leave you grabbed his arm and looked him straight in the eye. "Charlie, I need to go to the hospital. She's coming." Right then he started to panic but he got out his phone as he was helping you to the car. He accidentally called the wrong number but he got it right on the second try, "Hello, Tom are you their?" "Charlie! I can't really speak right now, so can you hang on for a while?" Charlie was about to scream into the phone but luckily he didn't, "Tom this is really important it's about y/n. She needs you, the baby is coming!" Tom couldn't really understand what he was saying because he was talking to fast for him to keep up.  He was using his clam voice when he started talking to Charlie again. "Slow down dude, now tell me what's going on with y/n." Tom was getting nervous because he was worried that something was wrong with the baby. "Tomas you have to come to the hospital right now, the baby is coming!!" as he heard this he dropped his phone and starting cursing because he was a nervous wreck. Most of the people that were there looked at him like he was crazy.
You were in the hospital trying to make the baby come out. You were sweating, crying but you were mostly nervous because you couldn't do this without your husband. Charlie was holding your hand and rubbing your back, to help you with the pain. "It's ok y/n. You can do this." You looked up at him with tears in your eyes, "where is Tom? I need him, Charlie ...Ahhh!!!" as another contraction came, the baby would be here soon. Charlie looked at his phone, but there was no messages from Tom(he was getting nervous because the last time he had called him it was about a hour ago. He hoped that he wasn't hurt or worse). He looked at you with worry in his eyes, "I don't know sis, he haven't responded in about an hour." The doctor told them that you were really close, just a few more pushes. "Come on dear you are almost there." With one last strength in your body you screamed and gave a big push. Blood was everywhere, but their was a beautiful precious baby girl. "You did it!" Your brother was so happy that he was crying as he handed her to you. With a smile on your face you said "Rose Hiddleston!" You looked up at your brother with tears in your own eyes. Charlie called your mother to tell her the good news.

Finally you were at your mother's house, with your little girl Rose. "She's so tiny and cute. I'm so proud of both of you and I'm sorry that Tom wasn't their for you." Your mother was hugging you and Charlie was holding your child. Suddenly there was a knock on the door as your brother went to open it. "I'm so sorry for not being their for her, but work was so busy today." he was a mess, his hair was undone, his shirt was unbuttoned, then he noticed the baby in Charlie's arm, "is this her? Is this my daughter?" Just then you came over to see who was at the door, when you saw that it was him you slapped him on the cheek. "Ow!! What was that for?" "That was for not being there for me when I needed you the most." You were starring him in the eyes and then a loud noise came from Rose, because she had started crying again. "Here let me take her." as you took her from your brother, Tom was looking at you with a smile on his face(he was happy to see you with his little baby girl). "Can I hold her, please?" you didn't know what to say because you were nervous about him holding your newborn. "Just be careful with her, she is just a baby." "Of course, I will darling" as he kissed your temple. When Rose was handed to him, she stopped crying and you could see a tiny smile form on her lips. She was happy to see her father.
The End!

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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