Chapter two,Prologue for Evelyn

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I couldn't believe it, I was being taken, taken for 10,000,000! Was I dreaming, was I worth that much? Who was that? He just shouted among the crowd and shouted out the biggest number I couldn't even count to! *Snap!* "Ah-huh?!" I said as I heard the sound of something snapping I look in fount of my eyes to see principal Dev's fingers in front of me. My face went from shock to annoyance in an instant."Good know that I have your attention, mind explaining what that was all about, young lady?" The principal said in a strict firm voice.

"What?" I said not giving a sh*t "You know what! Don't play dumb with me Missy!" He shouted in my ear I tilt my head to the side and saw the man that was standing right at the end of the stage with someone else, Woah he looked to be about  6'2 I was 5'4, his hair was long down to the end of his shoulders, his hair as in a neat tight ponytail and he wearied a nice looking gray Suit he looked to the side and I saw, his eyes were a dark brown. Woah and he was hot too 
But I wasn't attracted. Don't think I am he's  still a Dom 

A few hours passed and I was Hella bored what the hell starting on, my ass feels numb from sitting on it so long the principal was now over there with the man that had bought me. Who long was this going to take?!  I wanted to go home, hell I wanted to see my friends!  I fell asleep bored out of my mind until I felt a firm but gentle hand on my shoulder,  gentle trying to  wake me     

I shift to the other side and was still asleep I heard a sigh before I was grabbed gently  and gently was Put on my feet, helping me stand up so that I could wake up, after about two minutes I had woke up and rubbed my eyes I look to the side of me "Look who's awake." "AHH!" I cried as I accidentally shoved the person back "Well someone's a bit jumpy today, aren't we." The person chuckled

"I'm sorry!"  Wait why was I apologizing?? "It's alright little one, I did startle you that's understandable," he said chuckling again what the hell did he just call me little one?/////

"Alright  Time to go now I've already wasted half of my time here with those paper documents " well his a real delight the sudden mood change I can tell I was going to hate it just by that bit of seeing.

"No Way!" He's joking right "Come on, no need to be a brat now."  "Let go of me!"
"Stop it, or else."  We made it to the  Lamborghini as people called it. (the car) opened the car door and a car seat is in there, he wants me to seat in a fu#king car seat! He was trying to put me in it but I resisted

"Let go!"

  "Little girl stop it right now!" He forces me to sit in the car seat as I screamed I throw a fit and start kicking as he buckles me in, but that didn't stop him he pops me on my thigh, and I shrieked  "Stop it right now!" what the hell he goes to the other side of the car and gets in. He looks at me a sternly look planted on his face "You're going to learn very quickly, that I'm not very tolerable with disobeying" oh bit me, what is he going to do" spank me" little did I know that of anything he had for me.

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