max gets a SPANKING

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Max getting a spank by Ash And Misty
Chapter 1: the Jury run away
Max and Ash were at the Pokemon Jury talking about getting Max his badge since he was now 10 and was excited to get it since he was at that age to get a pokemon trainer badge to get his own pokemon and get to explore with Ash and his friends as Max gotten his badge but ran off out of Pokemon Jury as he didn’t hear Ash calling him out, “ Max wait, stop!!” Ash cried out for Max as the little 10 years old was already out, as Max ran to the forest and smiling, and jumping excitedly before he open his eyes and sees he wasn’t in town and out of Ash’s sight as he starts to whimpers.
Chapter 2: The Lost In The Woods
Max looks while walking scared as he jumps by sounds as he whimpers till he heard a loud rustle in the bushes as he jumps and started crying as the sound got louder and who was it but Ash himself as he hugs the crying Max as Max hugs him and continues to crying shaking, like a leaf, as the two get out and went straight home as they talk and well Ash really wanted Max to have it but he knew he couldn’t cause he didn’t want to lose his friend as they continue to walk home as Max kept holding Ash’s hand to stay with him cause being in the woods alone was very scary for him as they got home and see a crying but mad Misty as she just goes to him and hugs him close

Chapter 3: The punishment
Max hugs Mist back crying as Misty just takes a few deep breathes as she sighed but it didn’t stop her from putting him over her lap as this caught Max off guard. “ Ash get me the metal spoon please,” Misty said with a bit of anger in her tone as Ash nods and goes to the kitchen as Max freaks out as he managed to get out of Misty’s grip and ran to his room and closed the door as he climbs onto his bed and hides understand the covers as he whimpers, as Ash comes backs and sees that Max wasn’t no Misty’s lap as Misty was knocking on Max’s door “ Max you come out right this is instant!!!” Misty said in a very angry and harsh tone in her voice as Ash was a bit surprised to hear but goes to her and the two got the door open which was covers with a chest of drawers which was why it was hard to open Max’s door as Misty goes over to Max and pulled the covers off of Max and puts him over her lap and used the wooden spoon and starts spanking the daylights out of max’s tush as Max was screaming and crying bloody murder as he kicks his legs as he tries to cover his tush with his hands but Misty wasn’t having any of it and takes his hands off of his tush and behind his back and spanked him even harder than before as Ash watches with a look of “ ouch” on it.
Chapter 4: The Early Bedtime
After a few hours of spanking Misty stops as Max cries still as he hiccups rubbing his eyes as Misty and Ash look up and see it was 5 pm so Misty puts Max on his bed and goes to make dinner as Ash stays behind and puts jammies on Max and puts him in the covers as Max was still crying and his glasses were taken off of his face as Max yawns as he still hiccups as Ash picks him up and lays his head on his shoulder as he hugs him close to him as Max just cries on Ash’s shoulder as Ash was stroking his back to help calm him down and to help him breathe. “ do you know why you got a spanking Max??”” he said in a certain tone in his voice as Max had finally calmed down “ C-cause I ran off when I wasn’t supposed to” he said as he sniffles hugging Ash a bit
“ yes and you ran off where you could have gotten hurt or kidnapped or even worse,” Ash said as he lays Max in his bed and under the covers and he got up and left leaving Max in his room alone with his nightlight on as Max was going to get up and play with his toys but his tush was really stinging like crazy as he lays on his stomach and soon fell asleep


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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