Five || Bubblegum

Start from the beginning

"This and that," I said as if it summed things up. Chifuyu squinted his eyes in confusion but I didn't elaborate. Instead I brought up a new topic, "Takemichi isn't with you?"

Chifuyu shook his head. "Nah, he's with Tachibana." He began petting Peke J, who was now asleep, as a realisation struck me.

"Oh that's right! Hina told me earlier that they were going on a date today."

The boy turned to me, rather alarmed, and said, "Eh? I didn't know you and Tachibana were friends."

"Mhm. I go to the same school as her and Takemichi too, though I never spoke to Takemichi a lot until recently."

"I didn't know that about you."

"Theres a lot of things you don't know about me."

Chifuyu's lips parted at my response, realising that I was right- he barely knew anything about me, my past, my interests. Or not like he did with everybody else in Toman, at least.

"Let's change that," He finally said with a grin. I raised a brow in a way of asking what he was getting at and the boy only held out one hand, trying not to move so much to wake the sleeping cat. "I'm Matsuno Chifuyu, vice-captain of the first division of the Tokyo Manji Gang. I like cats, instant ramen, and shoujo manga."

I couldn't help but break out into a laugh at the extremely late introduction. But, I gave in, and leant over to shake his hand. "(L/N) (Y/N). Vice-captain of the second division, and the only girl in the Tokyo Manji Gang." I paused, trying to remember what my interests were. "My favourite things to do are going on long drives on my bike, helping Takashi with designing clothes, and reading shounen manga- especially ones about delinquents."

"Hmm, so you like designing clothes with Mitsuya... does that mean you want to be a designer too?" He asked.

Shaking my head, my gaze drifted to the setting. "No, not particularly. I just really like drawing and painting. I lend a hand to Takashi from time to time when he asks me to."

"You even call him by his first name... you and Mitsuya are really close, huh?" Chifuyu noted with the ghost of a smile. The way he looked at me made my eyes light up as I nodded.

"Of course, I grew up with him- and Hakkai too, of course." I played with my fingers while smiling at the memories of my childhood. "Actually, Mitsuya is my-" The loud ringing from my phone interrupted me. I fiddled with my skirt in a poor attempt to pull out my phone from the pocket.

Once I did, I saw that it was Mikey who was calling me. I mumbled an apology to Chifuyu before answering the call. A whirring sound, maybe a drill, could be heard in the background of wherever the hell Mikey was. "Oi, (Y/N)," He said over the line. "You still got that hacksaw in your garage?"

I blinked in confusion. A hacksaw? Yes, I did still have it, but why the hell did Mikey need a hacksaw? The thought filled me with nothing but concern as I wondered what the odd boy was up to. "...Yeah I still have it." I said hesitantly.

"Great!" He cheered, followed by more drilling sounds, "Come over tomorrow morning with it- huh, what was that, Draken?" Then I heard a muffled voice, which was probably Draken talking, until Mikey turned back to the phone to me again, "Draken said bring some screws too!"

The concern I once felt now turned into a bigger worry as I was nothing but unsettled by the lack of information given. "I can do that, but Mikey, why-"

"I knew we could count on you, (Y/N)! We'll see you tomorrow." And then he hung up, leaving me with a stone face as I stared at the turned off phone with a mixture of fear and disturbance bubbling inside me.

Chifuyu observed my blank expression before asking what the call was about. "Mikey said he wanted me to bring a hacksaw to him tomorrow... and Draken wants screws." Now it was Chifuyu's turn to look distraught over the strange phonecall.

"D'you think they're planning to torture someone? Takemichi, perhaps?" He asked jokingly.

I stood up from the swing and stretched my arms over my head. "Maybe they're gonna build a cross and nail Takemichi to it," We laughed at the thought.

Seeing as it was getting pretty late, we decided to call it a day and go to our homes. Chifuyu walked with me to the gates of the park, Peke J still sound asleep in his arms, and just as we were about to part ways, he turned back to me with a determined face as if he just remembered something important, "Oh, and (Y/N)! Just because I sat with you this afternoon doesn't mean I'm gonna marry you, alright!?"

My face dropped in unamusement. Had he still not given up that 'womanizer' act? Was this guy really that much of a lobotomite? "What the hell is up with you and this whole marriage thing!? No way in hell I'd wanna marry you, weirdo!" I screamed at him before stomping away. Even as I tried to get away from him, he still yelled with a comeback.

"Quit calling me a weirdo!"


-When Mikey called, the Reader was interrupted before she could finish her sentence about what sort of bond she had with Mitsuya. Did I do a little bit of foreshadowing? Mm perhaps 👹-

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