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After the most exhausting day of my life so far,I got on the bus and sat in my spot ,the way back of the bus.The boy from this morning sat next to me."Hey ..."he waited for an answer.I looked from my texts to his face."Yeh?"I asked."Some kids saying you are British or what not?"He said in his twang voice."Yeah.And why does it matter to you?"I asked.He smiled."Just curious about you.So I am Darry ."He forced my hand to his in a hard shake.I swiped it away when it started to hurt.

"Hannah."I said." So where you from,Hannah?" Darry asked."Cheshire-Holmes Chapel -London ."I said."Thats a place?" He asked ."obviously if I have been there."I said with all my sass.He and his friends laughed at my answer."Well than."He laughed.I went back to my phone.

"Who you texting?"He asked before grabbing my phone."Give that back!"I stood up.He was shocked and have it back.I sat back down."Fine...chill."Darry laughed.there was a silent moment on the bus."Was it your boyfriend?"Darry asked in a Sing-song tone.

"Go away please Darry."I said pleadingly."Now why would I do that?We just met."Darry put his arm around my shoulder."wait ,excuse me-what grade are you in?"I asked putting one finger in the air."8th."he answered."Shouldn't you be in college already...oh wait ,your friends fucked your brain up with drugs so I guess not."I sassed.

He put his hand on my lap and got a inch from my lips."I like feisty ones."He said then harshly kissed my lips.I pushed him away and he went to the empty seat next to ours.I got in his face and said,"you try to fuck with me again and you are going to scream bloody murder."I said pissed but smoothly .His dark eyes were full of humor as he pulled me onto him.

I tried to push off but he was on the boys wresting team.He tried to mess with my jeans.I slapped his face and left a mark.I knew it was my stop so I got up and began to head down the isle.Darry was the same stop.Yippee.

He grabbed my hand and was laughing.He didn't care that I obviously hate his guts.He pressed his flat lips to mine again.He pushed me to the stop sign and rapidly started groping on me when I tried to push him off.
"What the hell are you doing with my niece?!"My uncle don,the mall manager,yelled from his car as he came home from work just in time.thank god he was once a cop.

Darry ran off as he came close to kicking his ass.I was out of breath because of his strength .
My uncle took me in his house and made sure I was okay.

"Uncle don,I am fine."I said.He nodded with relief.

I finished my homework...I know!!!Homework on the first day?!crazy!
Got in a shower.Picked out my clothes for tommarow...I tried to impress Lexi unlike that day when I was laid-back.
I set my alarm so I wouldn't miss the bus.and got to sleep.

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