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I will not be posting everyday only because i have other books to and school, also there will be smut chapters and ill put a warning at the start of the chapter, befor where the smut happens also at the end so that way if you dont like to read smut you can skip it now

About y/n:

Y/n grew up not know her real dad or even having a real father figure in her life, her mom always brought new guys over every night, and always drunk so y/n grew up taking care of her mom and her self from a young age but once she hit 18 she moved out and lived with friends who she eventually started to fight with so she just decided to get her own house, she is now 20 and moved to suburb of Brookfield Heights, Michigan where she starts to except her little space and the fact she is in the mdlg community.

Also since we arnt told allys age im ganna make her 38 only since she has a son also i think they said hes like 10 or 8 but since i dont remember which one it is for him he will be 9 also if yall want to attack me on the age gap yall can fuck off people put high school students with both sarah paulson and alot of her characters so yeah

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