Two hours later I had shone the penlight into her eyes. I checked for breathing and heart sounds and then lastly her pulse. It was as routine as it could get.

It was 6:17 when I pronounced her dead.

It was so routine yet this time my heart was clenching in pain. I signed the papers and then left the room. I found a dark corner of the hospital and leaned on the cold wall. I needed a minute.

I didn't expect the death of a woman who I only had a brief chat with and thought was going to live, to die on me like this.  Why did she have to have after surgery complications?

My hands were slightly shaking so I shoved them in my pockets.

I didn't want to pronounce her dead. I wanted her to live a full life with her daughter.

I felt cold. Dark. I couldn't shake off the feeling of death lurking in the corner of the hospital. Maybe it was ghosts or my own demons haunting me, but I was shivering in my coat. I don't want anyone to see me like this.

Was it too soon to come back and work in the hospital? Or was I just tired and brain scattered that I could no longer function?

Suddenly a dark figure stood in front of me and leaned their hand on the wall so I was hidden away.

The smell of a familiar aftershave and shared shampoo instantly calmed me down.

He was carrying a coffee cup in his left hand, the smell of the warm coffee lingering in the air.

Oh, Alben.

He was in his doctor's coat, which meant he had a few more hours of his shift and was taking a break to come and see me.

Like always. He took care of me no matter what. No matter when. He was there. Every damn time when I was like this.

How did he know when I needed him the most?

I leaned my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

Two young nurses were standing near the hall, chatting.

"Ah, Doctor Trine is my idol." She paused. " I wanna be like her. Driven for success, beloved by my patients and tough you know, like her. Nothing can shake her."

The other nurse spoke. "I know what you mean. But she's not just lucky. Have you heard?"


"Her whole family is rich. She didn't have to work a day in her life, but she decided to be a doctor. Studied like crazy even after she became a doctor, so she can be the best. I can't even finish a shift without crying."

Alben chuckled over my head. "They don't know how much of a cry baby you are."

I nuzzled in his neck. "If I ever hear you, tell anyone that, I'll kill you."

He smiled and brought his hand up to take a sip of the coffee. I wrapped both my arms around his waist. "At least there was no comment about you this time."

The nurses kept walking in the hallway. "And she's married to Dr. Handsome . What am I doing wrong in life? My mother keeps bugging me to go on a blind date with..."

They kept walking until they were out of sight.

I couldn't see his face, oh but I bet he was so smug about it. There wasn't a day I wasn't paying for marrying Dr. Handsome.

"Get some rest." He kissed the top of my head and handed me his coffee before leaving.

I rubbed my eyes and walked over to sit on the benches for patients and visitors.

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