Chapter 1: The Accident

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Sirens screamed and red and blue lights flashed at the scene. People walking by pointed, gasped, and put their hands over their mouths at the sight. Skid marks streaked across the road as a result of what had happened. 

Police and paramedics gathered, rushing to the aid of the people involved. 

But they were too late. 

Blood stained the seats of the car, the windshield, cracked from impact and white, now splattered with red, air bags blown up in a useless attempt to keep them from getting hurt too badly. Paramedics brought out two stretchers and placed the now life-less bodies on them, covering them up and wheeling them into the ambulance. 

A cool breeze blew over Chicago, blowing the greens leaves on the trees around. The sun was hidden behind a layer of grey clouds, threatening rain.    

A cries of a baby echoed in the streets, making my heart sink. They were the cries of the victims baby, who wasn't even 1 year old yet. I had been babysitting her for them, while they ran errands. They were supposed to be back a half and hour ago, but they didn't come back, by then, I'd been informed that they had been an accident unloving them. They weren't coming back. 

I got out of my car, having had sat there for about five minutes, just staring at the scene, watching my friends be wheeled away in body bags. 

I opened the backseat door, unbuckling the baby and picking her up, patting her back and trying to get her to calm down. I shut the door and went closer, bouncing her up and down in my arms a bit. 

"It's okay." I said to her. "Shh."  

A few police men were talking to a man who was sat on the curb, his head hanging low and his hands on top of his head. He was the one who did this to them.  

The baby kept crying as I went to the medics. I got close enough to see the pale body of my friends. I felt like I was going to puke. They didn't deserve this. Serenade, the  baby in my arms, didn't deserve this. 

What's going to happen to her? Her mom and dad were just killed in a tragic accident. Thank God she wasn't still nursing, she had stopped a  couple weeks ago. I'm not sure what you do if that's the case. Serenade cries even harder and I take her back to the car, she shouldn't have to see that. 

"It's okay, Sara." I said, calling her by what people sometimes call her for short. 

I put her back in her tan car seat, (which faced the backseat, not forward, that's how is supposed to be), buckling her up and smiling at her. She returned the smile, making grabby hands. I shut the door and got in the drivers seat, revving up the engine. I backed out and onto the road, wiping my eyes with one of my arms.  

I decided to just go home and talk to her grandparents about it later. I wasn't sure what hey were going to do with her. 

About five minutes into the drive, she started crying again. I looked in the review mirror, even though I could only see her seat and her arms, if she was putting them up. I then turned on the radio and started playing Mona Lisa by Nat King Cole. She liked that song, so did I. I sang along, one hand on the wheel as I drove, look at the rear view mirror between glances of the road.  

"Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa

Men have named you

You're so like the lady with the mystic smile

Is it only cause you're lonely

They have blamed you

For that Mona Lisa strangeness in your smile."  

I Will Sing To You Everyday If It Will Take Away The Pain (Patrick Stump Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now