number 2

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It went dark. That's all I knew at the moment. I woke up and I was alone, so I thought, It was dark but the moon illuminated the quidditch pitch I passed out on after falling. Why am I not in the hospital wing? I thought to myself. I sit up and look around, my eyes are met with stormy grey ones. Draco?

"Are you okay?" He asks, sounding somewhat sincere.

"What happened? '' I ask. My head hurt and the world was spinning, everything was moving and the only thing I could focus on was his eyes. His beautiful grey eyes. Like grey clouds before a storm but they were so clear and I could see the little gold flakes in them.

"You didn't catch the snitch and fell. You passed out fairly quickly and everyone left because Ron won the game for gryffindor." He explains. I nod, how could they be so selfish as to leave him there passed out. I look back at Draco and sit up more to face him. Why was he there instead of Hermione or Ron? Even Neville would make more sense but why Draco? I didn't want to ask though. He looked tired. How long have I been out? I think.

"Around 24 hours" He answers.

"Did I say that out loud?" I question. He nods and stands up and holds a hand out to me. I take it and he pulls me up.

"Do you want to stay in my dorm tonight? In slytherin all the dorms are separate so we would have it to ourselves" He says to me as we start to walk.

"Sure, why doesn't anything hurt?" I ask.

"Healing spell" he states. I look over to him, he's shorter than me now and he doesn't keep his hair gelled. His hair looked so soft and I wanted to run my fingers through it. Everything about Draco has changed in the last 6 years. He's shorter and more petite, he doesn't give a damn about having perfect robes or hair, and he doesn't talk a lot. I don't remember the last time he insulted me or my friends for that matter.

Once we got to the slytherin dorms he led me to his room which was the 3rd door down. We go inside. It was a grey and green room with a twin loft bed. There was a desk and his trunk along with a bookcase bigger that covered the back wall. Aside from the giant full case of books there was more scattered everywhere along with homework on his desk and drawings, paints, pencils, and erasers everywhere.

"Wow I expected cleaner" I say sarcastically.

"I wasn't expecting company" he mumbles looking down at his feet. I lift his chin to look into those beautiful grey eyes.

"It's fine." I say to him, He smiles and blushes slightly. His skin is so pale. I didn't notice how beautiful Draco was until now. How the moonlight bounces off his skin and hair making him look like an angel. He climbs the ladder to get to his bed and lays down sprawled out.

"Are you coming or just gonna stare all night?" He asked. I blush and look away. I climb up with him and sit next to where he is.

"Potter..." He starts.

"Yea" I say in a questioning tone.

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you for all those years. I was going through things and didn't know how to deal with my emotions. I thought if I were mean to you I could hide those feelings and emotions I had. I was stressed and had a lot of pressure to be the best. I took it out on you and your friends and I-" I cut him off by putting a finger to his lips.

"It's ok Draco I know you didn't mean it" He smiles and hugs me. It was a hesitant hug but when I hugged back he melted into me. He pulled away and layed down. I layed down with him and wrapped my arms around his body pulling him in. Soon enough we both fell into the realm of sleep.

I woke up to a bright light. I sit up and look around. The hospital wing? Where was Draco? What happened?

"Oh, you're awake" I hear the voice of madam Pomfrey as she rushes in.

"Where's Draco? What happened" I say while rubbing my head.

"Draco? Why would Draco be here? Well, you fell off your broom and were rushed here, You've been knocked out for a while now."

"Oh, Thanks" It was a dream. That's all it was. Why was it about him? Why did I want it to be real?

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