insomnia// Addison Shepherd

Start from the beginning

"I know... lets go home yeah?" you nodded and grabbed your bag, following her out the door. She took your hand and kissed your head as you both walked out the main door.


The two of you had been home for nearly two hours and Addison had already tried everything she could think of to get you to sleep. She cuddled with you for ages. She played a movie while you laid on her chest. She laid with you in a completely dark room. You name it, she probably tried it.

"Y/N please... I know you're tired. and I know you want to sleep. So please, please just try for me," she whispered, pulling you close to her chest again. She gently positioned your head so it was laid on her chest and the only thing you could hear was her heartbeat. That always used to calm you down, but now it didn't help as much.

"I'm trying Addison. I swear I am but I just cant fall asleep. I'm so bloody tired. All I want is to sleep-" you started rambling until she lightly shushed you, rubbing her hand up and down your back lightly.

"Shh. Shh. I know you're trying honey, I know you are. Just close your eyes and listen to my heartbeat ok?" you nodded into her chest, trying to supress a yawn. Your eyes kept slipping shut and after a few minutes, you were on the very edge of sleep. Addison combed her fingers through your hair for a couple more seconds until she was sure you were asleep.

She immediately reached over and grabbed her phone. She unlocked it quickly and went to text Amelia. Within less than 2 minutes, Amelia was slowly opening your bedroom door, careful not to make any noise.

"Addison? What's so important that you text-paged me 911?" the concern in her voice was evident as she looked down at your sleeping form and her expression softened.

"I think Y/N has insomnia," she said straight-out. All emotion in Amelia's face was suddenly gone "Burke said she spent 17 hours in the OR today and when she wasn't sleeping this week, she was either doing surgery, doing rounds, ordering CT's and MRIs or booking ORs. She was making calls to other hospitals about missing organs for transplants. She was helping Arizona with the kids. She was helping Meredith with the kids. The girl hasn't had the time for sleep in a week."

"Oh my god... what do we do?"

"I don't know Amelia, that's why I text you. She kept saying that she wanted to sleep, but just couldn't. She cried about it, Y/N doesn't cry. Somethings wrong, she's exhausted,"

"Ok... how long has she been asleep?" Amelia questioned.

"Since I texted you..." Addison smiled awkwardly, giving you her hand when she saw you were reaching out for something to hold. Amelia looked at you, worry written all over her face. "I know Amelia... It took me hours to get her to sleep. If we let her sleep now, we can talk to her later after we've had some time to think,"

Amelia nodded to herself, watching with worry as Addison tried to get out from underneath you. After a few tries where you nearly woke up, she had successfully done it and was walking to the living room with Amelia.

The two girls sat on the couch talking about ways to help you. They hadn't come up with anything good by the time you came out of the bedroom 20 minutes later.

"morning ladies," you smiled, walking to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"It's 3 in the morning.... why are you up so early?" Amelia pretended to be clueless, knowing you probably didn't want anyone else knowing.

"I offered to do trauma for Owen today since he's taking the day off," you replied, that fake smile still plastered on your face.

"Aren't you tired?" Amelia raised an eyebrow as Addison turned to look at you.

"Nope. Not at all," you lied, you were exhausted. But they didn't have to know that. What they don't know wont hurt them. You could feel their eyes trained on you as you stood by the sink drinking your water. You supressed a yawn as best you could as Addison walked by to the bin, but failed.

"See you are tired. You need to sleep. The lack of sleep is starting to affect you now," Addison said calmly as you laid your head on her shoulder and her arms wrapped around you.

"I'm fine Addi" you hadn't finished your sentence by the time your eyes closed and you were out like a light. You'd fallen asleep standing up you were so tired. She smiled down at you before lifting you up into her arms. Your legs unconsciously wrapped themselves around her waist as she carried you over to the couch and laid you down gently.

She placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before covering you with a blanket and following Amelia into the hallway.

"Amelia, what do we do? She's overworking herself, she's exhausted but wont tell us anything. Oh god, did something bad happen and she doesn't wanna tell us. Did someone hurt her? Did someone die and she's trying to ignore it? Why wont she tell us anything-"

"Addison- Addison! you're spiralling. Take a breath. Yes, maybe something bad happened. And maybe she is too scared to tell us. And if that's the case, she just needs you to be there. She'll ask for help if she needs it. She's smart,"


It had been a few weeks since Addison found out about your sleeping problem. The two of you had had a long conversation about how it started and the things that help, or make it worse. Since that day, Addison had always waited for you to fall asleep before she did, making sure you at least got some sleep.

Things had gotten much better for you in the last few weeks. Your body was recovering from the exhaustion and you were finally starting to feel like yourself again. With the help of Addison and Amelia, you were finally getting your life back and getting back to yourself. And you couldn't be happier.


k, despite what you might think, I'm sadly not ded. I'm working on 2 other parts for this book rn and another on my BW one-shots. Be patient and I might try to upload more, who knows.

Sorry abt the shit ending tho-

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