"By the way, do you happen to still have your vision?  Y/n" Venti asked as he roams his eyes around your figure looking for the glowing gem on you.

"Vision? What's a vision?" You asked him confused about what he is talking about this time.

Venti momentarily stopped his movement when you asked him the question contemplating whether it's right to tell you now or to leave you in the dark for as long as he can to keep you safer from 'her'.

"Ah, it's nothing I was just rambling to myself. This wine is truly magnificent." Venti said as he brought up the said bottle higher as if inspecting the bottle's remaining content if it still had any. Deciding to just brush off his comment, you turned to look out at the window realizing it was already dark and best to head back to Jean's house before she start searching for you around town.

You got up to start heading back to the house as Venti notices you moving.  Turning his attention back to you again he said. "Oh? Leaving so soon Y/n?" You looked back at him before nodding your head. "Yes, it's already dark outside. I wouldn't want to worry Jean especially since I'm currently in her debt now." You answered. 

"Ehe~ sleeping under the same roof with a woman huh?" Venti suggested with his eyebrow-raising in a suggestive manner. You blush profusely to the statement "W-What???? It's nothing like that she just decided to take me in as I currently still don't remember where I came from. A-and we are still looking into how I was found on the shore." You said as you rap your sentence to him to which he only giggle in return.

"I'm just kidding. You're still so easy to tease geez." Venti wheeze out as he continued laughing at you. While you continued to stare at him in disbelief 'Maybe I should drown him in the Lake and have Klee blast him to the sky.' you thought menacingly. 

Sighing you proceed to head to the counter to pay for your bills, with the mora you got from doing some commission for the adventure guild while you were out with Klee. As you decide to not be a freeloader and burden Jean all the time. Reaching the house it was quiet which would mean that Jean was either asleep or still at work which Lisa said was a common occurrence. 

The next morning you prepared and head out towards the Favonius Headquater to meet up with Jean. Reaching in front of her door you softly knock on it before opening it when you heard a small "Come in" from behind the door. Jean looked up from her desk as she heard the door closed "Good morning, Y/n what can I do for you?" 

"Oh, it's nothing like that just that I have some stuff to discuss." You said as you went closer to her desk.

"Oh? Well, you have my attention." Jean said as she rested her hands on the desk as she looked up to you. 

You inspect her face closely now since you could get a better view of her now with the distance between the both of you. You noticed there were some bags under her eyes and her hair slightly loosen from her ponytail making it slightly cover her face. On instinct, you push her loose hair behind her ears before standing up straight again.

The action alone made Jean short circuit and blushed hard, as you continue to stand in front of her confused on why she looked so red now oblivious to what your small gesture has done to her. Lisa who was coming into the room saw the whole ordeal and silently laugh near the doorframe. 

"Jean are you alright?" You asked the now redden acting grandmaster while reaching out your hand to feel her forehead. With this, she reddens even more by the close contact. 'She feels too hot is it due to her lack of sleep?' you thought.

'W-Why? why am I feeling like this I can't be attracted to Y/n right? I mean it's just that I didn't have anyone showed me that much affection other than Lisa. It must be because it was random right?? Right???' Jean silently thought as she tries to calm herself down but failed.

Lisa decided it was time to interrupt the fun walks up next to you. "Fufu~ Y/n~ I didn't know you had the capability of making Jean like that. If you don't mind this onee-san doesn't mind being touched by you too.  So bold~" Lisa said as she came closer to you.

This time it was your turn to short circuit and blushed, "N-no I didn't mean to make Jean like that it was unintentional. Her hair happened to be out of place so I just help put it back." You stuttered out to Lisa who was clearly enjoying your reaction.

"My my~ I don't mind if you move my hair too then. Hmm~ come on don't be shy y/n."  Lisa teased.

As you were absolutely flustered by Lisa's bold moves and words Jean has finally calm down and shush Lisa up to continue on with the real reason why you are here in the first place. You have calmed down too and decided to discuss your future plans with Jean and Lisa. 

"Uhm, as I was about to say. I met a person who seem to know me about my past too." You said.

Jean and Lisa heard this and they were surprised, to say the least. Someone actually recognise you and knew you in Mondstatd when your clothing didn't make it seem like you were from here. "Who might that be if you don't mind me asking?" Jean asked as she was interested to know more.

You proceed to explain the situation to both Lisa and Jean. Jean in particular was surprised Venti knows you and the fact that she knew that he was also Barbatos made her wonder how would he have known about you. Maybe you were from somewhere other than Mondstatd and maybe possibly you are similar to him. 

Jean and Lisa agreed with the plan and told you that you are free to venture out in Teyvat as you seem fit, but suggest doing some commission for the adventure guild to earn more mora for your traveling expenses. You greeted them a farewell before leaving the Favoinus Headquater and head out to the Cathedral that Venti said he spends most of his time at hoping to gather more information on the trip to prepare yourself.

Before you left the headquarter Lisa passed the clothing that was fixed and cleaned back to you to change into saying maybe someone would more likely to notice you if they knew you in that outfit. Thanking both of them for their hospitality you proceed to your destination in mind.

On your way towards the Cathedral, you passed by a group of people wearing masks on their faces with fur clothing. Which is an oddly suspicious choice of clothing in broad daylight making them look out of place from the usual Mondstatd citizen. 

They looked like they were entering a building that was surrounded by more people like them. Odd to say the least maybe it's some business trip you thought and continue on to your destination. Unbecon to you someone was watching you from the said building scanning your entire attire and face. 

"Lady Signora, My deepest apologies but her royal highness requests an immediate meeting with all the Harbingers in Snezhnaya." one of the masked Fatui agents bowed to the tall blonde woman. 

A cold eyes side glance at the person who reported the info before huffing back into the hotel to prepare her trip back to Snezhnaya. What could her royal highness want them to have such an urgent meeting for? 

Only one can wonder what goes true in her royal highness mind. But that person who was walking in the middle of Mondstatd in that clothing doesn't seem like someone from around here. Probably some traveler or adventurer she thought as she brushes it off.

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