The Realization

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I could feel the blood pouring out of me. I could also feel the water swirling around me. But all my brain could focus on was the white hot pain spreading out from my chest. Potter had hit me with Sectumsempra. I hated Sectumsempra. I had never been hit before but I had watched the death eaters use it on hundreds of people. 

Very few were allowed to live. The realization hit me that Potter might just leave me here to die, I had always wanted to die but not like this. I wanted to live in this moment. I accepted that I wanted to live, I wanted to grow old one day, marry someone and have kids. I wanted to do everything in life. I summoned my strength, "Help."
As much as I resented getting help from him I knew I needed it. I heard the soft splash of him kneeling in the water next to me. I reached out to grab his shirt. I could feel my mind slipping into that dreamy state where nothing felt real.  "Please help." Potter shuffled around for a moment; he seemed completely and utterly lost as to what to do. I was falling in and out of awareness when I was aware I could feel the panic radiating off of Potter. I suddenly felt my skin knitting together again as I came back into awareness for a moment. I could feel my hand release his shirt to flutter over my chest feeling the raised fresh scars. I tried to sit up but picking my head up was nearly impossible and made me nauseous beyond belief. I laid my head back into the freezing cold bloody water and cried. I hated feeling so helpless and in front of Harry Potter of all people. He was silent for a moment before asking, "Want help to the hospital wing?"

I heard him but couldn't manage a reply. I felt his arms lifting me to a sitting position. I instantly felt like I was going to throw up. I leaned against Potter's arm that was supporting me and threw up into the drain I had been laying on. I started crying harder. I hated this. I hated every moment of it. "I can't stand up." 

I admitted to Harry who was still supporting most of my weight. Suddenly he was wrapping his arms around me, pure shock and borderline terror filled my being. "Malfoy I'm really sorry, I genuinely feel so shitty about what I just did I didn't know what the spell did. I found it in a book." I stayed silent and unmoving, "I really fucked up and I want to fix this." He muttered.

I slowly moved my arms around him, I couldn't remember the last time I had been hugged, I forgot how hugs work. He squeezed me tighter and I did the same enjoying his warmth and the safety I felt. He seemed like a safe person in the moment, granted he had just Sectumsempera'd me but I could tell he was genuinely sorry. He didn't seem like the person to blast this around the school for revenge either. And he was warm,  I was cold all the time and in the icy water I was going numb with cold. A crazy idea popped into my head and in my half aware state I just blurted it out. "I know how you can make it up to me." I cracked out with my failing voice.
"How?" He pulled back to look me in the eyes.
"Be my friend and get me away from you know who, before he makes me," I paused to gather my breath, "A death eater."
His eyes flashed with an emotion I couldn't quite define. "I can try Malfoy."
I knew he meant what he said just by the way he said it. He picked me up and with the sudden movement I blacked out. The next thing I remember is the smell of the disinfectant in the hospital wing. "Stay awake Malfoy." He commanded me.
I could no longer promise him that I was losing any sense of consciousness I had left. I heard muffled banging on a door and even further muffled conversation. I didn't hear the shuffling of footsteps approaching so I internally jumped when Potter spoke, "I healed the actual wounds, he's not bleeding anymore."
"How did he acquire these injuries?" Madame Pomfrey asked.
Potter stayed quiet. I could feel and see the awful guilt he was holding, "Potter hit me with sectumsempra, Madam." I managed out.
"Mr. Potter!."
"Shhh I know I know leave me alone I feel horrible enough as is."
She bustled off to her store room to gather her supplies and potions.
"I really do feel horrible Malfoy."
"I can hear it in your voice Potter, now stop apologizing, it's grossing me out." I said.
I shot him a look which made us both chuckle. The laughter hurt, it hurt the cuts on my arms and hips and it hurt the week old whip marks on my back. "Are you sure I healed all the Sectumsempra marks Malfoy? It looks like you're still in pain."
"I'm pretty sure it's just the blood loss and such Potter I'm fine."
Madame Pomfrey came shuffling back in with a handful of potions and slaves. Thankfully cutting off me and Potter's conversation. Pulling a blood replenishing potion from the stack she handed it to me. I had drunk hundreds of these before.  "Blood replenishing potion, drink it." 
I tossed it back, the funky look on both people's faces was what indicated I had done something off. "Those taste awful Malfoy, how did you not just gag?"
I shrugged, so that was it. I took the bright green potion that Madame Pomfrey was holding out. I downed that potion and the next before Madame Pomfrey asked me to take my shirt off. 

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