Chapter 13 - Strange As It Seems, She's Endless To Me

Start from the beginning

"Well, You better get ready then! She winked, getting dressed in expert time. I quickly got dressed as well, and before we knew it, we were on the road. "Do you think the girls will, ya know, like me?" Amanda asked in the passenger seat, fiddling with the trimming on the seat. I leant over and squeezed her arm, giving her a reassuring smile. "They're going to love you."

We pulled into the studio parking lot and were greeted with dozens of flashing lights. "Just hold onto my hand and I'll get you into the studio safely, alright?" Amanda nodded and I swiftly got out, pushing through the paparazzi to the other side of my car. I yanked the door open for Amanda and held my hand out for her, pulling her up out of the car. We ducked threw the growing crowd of paparazzi, avoiding the many questions shot at us about who Amanda was.

"Is she your girlfriend?" "Is she your latest fuck?" "How long will this relationship last?" I could see Amanda's cheeks blushing deeper as she ducked her head, trying to evade the onslaught. I reached out for the handle and pushed into the studio, being greeted with a few guards. "Keep them out." I spoke to them, leading Amanda down a long hall and away from the flashing lights.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, pulling her to a stop outside the living room. She looked up at me with bleary eyes and gave me a small nod. "Babe, don't pay attention to what they were saying, that's their job. We both know that nothing they said is true, yes?" She nodded her head and swiped a tear away. "Okay. You're safe now, you'll be okay." I gripped her tightly before pushing open the door into the living room.

Amanda's Perspective

we entered the small room where we found all the boys and two girls sitting around on leather couches. Zayn cleared his throat and all heads turned our way, some confused, some happy. Niall was the first to spring up and grab my in a hug, squeezing the air out of me. "It's so good to see you!" He laughed, stepping back to let the rest of the boys hug me.

I was taken aback, I didn't think the rest really liked me, especially Louis and Harry, but I was proven wrong when they hugged me tightly. "Um, hi." I mumbled. Pulling away and awkwardly standing next to Zayn.

The two brunettes that had been sitting on the couch approached me and each gave me a hug, surprising me with their boldness. "Im Danielle and this is Eleanor." The taller girl introduced with a smile. "I'm Amanda." I answered in a small voice, giving them each a small smile. Eleanor was at my side and had wrapped her arm around my waist, pulling me from Zayn. "I'm sure your boyfriend won't mind if we steal you away. You need girl friends in your life anyway, hey?" She winked, leading me towards the couch. I glanced back at Zayn where he was smiling, reassuring that I would be fine with the girls.

"Alright boys, time to record!" A man appeared with headphones slung around his neck. We waved as the boys disappeared into the studio. Leaving me alone with two complete strangers. "So, how did you and Zayn meet?" Danielle asked, leaning back on the couch beside me. I blushed slightly, hoping her reaction to our story would be better than her boyfriends. "Well, we actually met in a club. He took me home but things happened and I was crying, so he let me stay the night. And, I don't know, he kind of grew a soft spot for me and let me stay, helping me with issues and just being there for me. And now, here we are."

I looked at both girls beside me, noticing their huge grins. "Do you know how ADORABLE that is?! Awe, Zayn never does that for a girl! You must be really special to him." Eleanor gushed, clapping excitedly. "Well, I wish the rest of the boys felt that way." I mumbled, becoming interested in my fingertips. "What do you mean?" She asked, a deep crease evident in her forehead. "Well, they think I'm bad publicity and if our story gets out, the band will get a bad reputation." I explained, surprised at how open I was with these girls. "Oh please, and the numerous girls that Harry has had, the tattoos and the clubbing DON'T give them a bad rep?" Danielle asked with a laugh.

I felt Eleanor wrap her arm around my shoulders and give my arm a reassuring rub. "It will all turn out to be okay. I'm a big believer in happy endings, and you and Zayn are obviously made for each other." She stated and Danielle nodded in approval. "Thanks girls." I muttered, giving them a small smile.

"Well then, now that we're acquainted, we'll have to organize a shopping trip!" Danielle stated with a grin. I frowned slightly as she pulled out her phone, Eleanor doing the same. "What are you doing tomorrow?" She asked, waiting for my reply. "Um, I was going to spend my day with Zayn actually..." I trailed off, watching Danielle's eyebrows shoot up her forehead. "You HAVE to have some girl time Mandie! Zayn has his guy time, so just come out with us! Please?" Eleanor pleaded with huge eyes.

I sighed and gave in, giving them a smile. "Fine, I'll come tomorrow." They both squealed and tapped it into their phones, setting our date in stone. "Alright, so now that that's over and done with, tell us about yourself." El asked, leaning back on the couch. I let out a sigh, this was going to be an excruciating wait.


"We're finished!" Louis yelled, barging into the living room, followed by the rest of the boys. Zayn came up to me and bent his neck down, kissing me lightly. "How did your little conversation go?" He whispered. I looked over at El and Dani with Louis and Liam and couldn't help but smile. "Fantastic actually, we're going shopping tomorrow." I chirped with a grin. Zayn knotted his brow together and I only smiled, walking over to the rest of our group.

"We're gonna head off guys, see you later." Zayn spoke, causing app heads to turn in our direction. "We were thinking that maybe we could go out to Envy tonight? You know, us, the'll be fun!" Harry piped up, the rest nodding in agreement. "Come on Mandie, come over to mine and we can help you pick out an outfit!" Eleanor grinned. I sighed and nodded, earning a look from Zayn. "Do you really want to go out clubbing?" He asked in a serious tone. I smiled eagerly, and before he could rely, I was being pulled away by the girls.

"We're going to have her looking gorgeous Zayn, just you wait!" Danielle called over her shoulder, whisking me away so we all could get ready. "Don't worry Mandie, I'm sure you and El are the same size and she had amazing clothes! Oh, I'm so excited!" She gushed, El nodding in agreement. I gulped, a little scared as they pulled me into the car. "Oh boy."

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