getting ready

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you put on your shirt and blazer, undoing your top two buttons for air. you then comb your hair back and put some gel in.

'it's my big day' you think to yourself trying not to wake your husband up. the onceler is lying in bed sound asleep, you look at him when with a sweet look. he gives a scent of cinnamon rolls and syrup, that was dessert last night.

you pick up your phone to look at the time.

it's 6:28am.

'i have 32 minutes then i need to leave..'

you go downstairs to make some breakfast, you take some bread out of the cupboard and put it in the toaster. with your chopping board on the side, you take out the jam and butter as well while you make a coffee.
you hear your toast pop.
spreading the butter and jam on the toast, you sneeze uncomfortably leaving you with a snotty nose.
"great.." you say loudly.

you hear a bang from upstairs..

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