One Day Ghost

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Now we're playing the truth or dare game. Yah! Every time that bottle doesn't see me. But today it's looking at me. Oh! My gosh! Wah!. My friend Nikita asks me to choose truth or dare. I say to her truth. Okay! It's night, we all need Spooky dream, are you ready to share? my friend Nikita ask me. I say to her I'm ready.

    When I was studying the tenth standard, My family was gone to my relative marriage. Unfortunately, my teacher didn't permit me to take a leave because that day after was maths exam. You knew that I was weak & every time I missed the top 5 rank due to maths. So my teacher was strict about that. My pals said me that not to worry about that. I too accepted that.

    That was midnight, my family had gone to travel train. So they left me. After locking my house's main door I went to my bed. I couldn't sleep well. Didn't know the reasons. Oh! I was alone & also little worry about family leave me & attending wedding it might be the reason, I said soliloquy. Suddenly a spark came from the bedroom window which was like fire from a switch or electrical. But there's no switchboard & electrical items. But there's building. The mystery was that spark. I didn't sleep well.

    Sun-kissed me & said good morning. I prepared my lunch & waited for my auto. That day I went to school earlier. For tenth grade, in my school, there was a separate way. On that way, there was a hall. When I was walking in there, I heard a cooing sound which was like someone calling my name. In there I saw one pigeon. Oh! It's all illusion, I said soliloquy. Interval I went to the restroom. Due to alternation on the ground floor restroom, students came towards our restroom. So more crowd in there, me & my friend waited in the queue. I saw a girl entered the bathroom, so I waited. Bell rang but that girl didn't come outside. I knocked on the bathroom door, that door was open. Then who entered that bathroom? it was blowing in my mind. I didn't use the restroom because if I went to class late, I should stand for one hour.

     When I shared this with my friends, they laughed & kidded me. I felt dread. I couldn't control myself. In the fourth period, I asked permission to go to the restroom. The teacher allowed me. When I went to the restroom, no one was in there. Yah! It was a class hour, so no one came to the restroom. When I was in the restroom, someone said Mah! Mah!. I opened the door & saw outside. No one was there. I just ran away from there.

     My friends noticed my sweats & dancing dread on my face. They asked me what happened?. I couldn't explain it, so I just smiled & said nothing. Now I was gone to my home, I felt feverish. My Family arrived home & noticing my fever. So I took leave for a week. My mom said that our neighbor's building owner's daughter died of suicide & she's hanged in that room which was closer to our window. I cried because she's my friend.

Yah! I completed my game! But my friends are in deep sleep. But I can hear a clap sound. Who is there?.....

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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