d a t i n g:

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Dating Griffin Johnson would include:

-Dealing with his 'unproblematic' tweets

-Him cooking for you

-Making 'jealousy' tik toks with 'Grio'

-trying to teach him how to dance, well mainly move his hips

-not just to help his dance moves

-all of his friends calling you mum/mom because you take care of them and because of the trend where the mums/moms all love Griff

-'nurse boy needs to make a comeback griff' 'baby girl I can take care of you any day of the week'

-shows you off 24/7

-commenting on every tik tok and Instagram post

-helping him study

-'working out' with him

-you just sit their watching him work out

-just having cleaning days where you jam out to music, clean and dance

-neck kisses

-he's rough but gentle

-goofy tiktok's together

-supporting each other unconditionally

-helping him with his identity/tik tok crisis

-his hands are always on you

-mainly on your ass

-makes everything sexual

-so many inside jokes

-he smiles every time he hears your laugh

hey dudes! griffin could hit me with a bus and i wouldn't mind

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