Fixing the broken part 5: Chris Evans

Comenzar desde el principio

"Oh, it's good... and I've been contacted by Paris Opera Ballet," Brooke said with a huge smile on her face.

You clapped. Maybe your best friend and Alison didn't understand, but you knew what it meant to be contacted by that company. For classical dancers, it was the holy grail. You remembered when Chris took you to the Palais Garnier to see the company play. It remained one of your favorite memories to date.

"Paris, huh. I was there last summer with the kids. Not as cool as I thought it would be, though," Alison said

You opened your mouth, this time ready to strike. Why did Alison have to make everything about her? You were about to ask her when your phone started to ring. Your eyes grew big when you saw the caller's name. Chris.

"Sorry, I have to take this," you said yourself before distancing yourself from the group to take the call.

"Chris? is everything okay?" you asked.

"Hey, yeah ... I'm mean kind of"

His tone was hesitant as if he was holding something from you. Your heartbeat fastened; you knew it wasn't a good idea to let him be responsible for everything. As the control freak that you were, your mind started to wander, and you started imagining the worst scenario possible.

"What's going on? Did you burn the house?"

"What?" Chris said, confusion all over his voice.

"There's something wrong, I can tell. Spill it out, Chris," you said, already losing your patience.

You heard him take a deep breath. "I was wondering if you could keep Dodge for a day or two. I have this fix something quick in L. A and..."

You didn't hear the rest of his sentence. He was still talking, but you weren't listening anymore. It was something about signing a document in person, something very urgent. Nothing you never heard in the past.

"Y/N, are you still there?" He asked after his monologue

"Fuck you, Chris."

You didn't leave him time to reply and hung up. His audacity left you speechless. His whole family was on speed dial, but he had to call you. He wasn't even hiding his lack of effort anymore.

When you returned to your table, you weren't in the mood anymore. You laughed when everybody laughed, smiled when they smiled, but you weren't paying attention. Your mind was stuck on that call. Chris really called you to ask you that After the conversation you had with Alicia. What happened to him walking in your shoes and you doing your thing? He couldn't even pretend for two days.

Your phone started to ring again, but you declined it. Chris called two more times, and your friends began to notice something was wrong. The third time you just couldn't take it anymore. You were tired of pretending, tired of smiling. It was as if you got an adrenaline rush and needed to empty the boiling anger you felt inside.

You took the call and shouted, "I said fuck you, Chris!"

You felt better right after, but it didn't last. Three pairs of eyes were staring at you, along with other people around your table. You were about to apologize when Alison made a mistake and opened her mouth.

"Seems like there's trouble in paradise," Alison said

It was the condescending tone for you. It was the fact that she didn't know what she was talking about and yet hit your most sensible nerve.

You didn't even think and took the first thing close to you. Your best friend and Brooke realized too late what you were about to do, and you threw your glass of wine in Alison's face.

"Fuck you too," you said before taking your bag to leave.

You could hear her scandalized voice behind you, and it strangely made you smile. You hadn't found your thing yet, but you hoped it would feel as satisfying as this.

Now it was time to deal with your ex-husband. Yes, ex-husband. Therapy or not, you were done.

Chris just hung up with his mother when you opened the front door. After asking his mom if she could keep Dodger, she screamed at him too. He knew he messed up when Lisa threatened to make you sign the divorce paper herself if he dared to leave Boston tonight.

Nobody seemed to understand how urgent the matter in L.A. was. He wasn't going for a month. He wasn't even going to stay there a week. It was for one night, one night, and they were all antagonizing him.

Chris thought he was angry before he saw your face. His blood froze when he saw your expression. You looked like you were about to commit a murder. You looked like you were about to murder him.


"I'm not here to talk. You will talk with my lawyer. I'm here for Dodger."

Y/N didn't even stop walking when she said that. She started calling Dodger, who came to her, his tail showing how happy he was to see her.

Chris started to panic. You looked more determined than ever. Since he came back and you told him you wanted to divorce, you'd always made it sound like an option, like something that could be fixed. You even let him choose between therapy and divorce.

He realized you weren't negotiating anymore. You were telling him what was going to happen. You told him during the last therapy session that he wanted the divorce, not you. Now it seemed like you wanted it.

"Y/N, listen, I'm not going to L.A anymore... I"

"Where is his long leash. I told you he hates this one," You said, still packing Dodger's things.

He followed you in every room you went to. Not even once you'd met his eyes. Chris felt like his heart was about to stop. He couldn't believe what was happening.

"Baby, please let's talk. I messed up, but I swear I..."

"Again" You cut him off.

Chris looked at you, not sure what you meant.

For the first time since you arrived, you stopped walking and looked at him. "You messed up again."

He didn't know what to say. For his defense, he was going to L. A to break a contract he was supposed to start in the following weeks. He was actually going to Los Angeles so that he could commit a hundred percent to fix your marriage.

"You know if Dodger was an actual kid, I'd ask for full custody, right?"

He couldn't believe you were talking so openly about court and divorce. "Common, Y/N. I said I was not going anymore."

"And I don't care. I'm here for Dodger. You're free to go if you want," you said. "Common Dodger, say goodbye to your dad."

Dodger didn't even come to Chris and followed you to the door. Chris remained still and looked at the two of you leaving.

"I was trying to fix this," Chris said, frustrated.

"You can't keep breaking things and say you're trying to fix them, Chris."

With that, you left with Dodger, Letting Chris think about what just happened.

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