"Thats great, honey." My mom smiles. "Open the letter."

"I cant. I'm to scared." I say as i throw the letter somewhere. "If i dont open it i will never know if i didn't make it."

"But if you dont open it, then you dont know if you made it and will dance in France." My mom says trying to negotiate with me.

"I dont want to get rejected." I say as i start to past around the room. "But this could make my dance career. And that would be good. But if i dont make it in my life is ruined."

"How about i open the letter." My father says picking up the letter to open it.

"Dont you dare." I start to chase him around the kitchen and jump on his back. "Give me the letter that i dont want to read." I shout trying to grab the letter from my fathers hand.

"Hayley, open the letter." My dad says handing the letter to my mom. "I will hold her off."

"Hayley, if you even touch the envelope i will kill you. Remember i still play softball."

"Congratulations, Y/n Woods we would like to offer you a spot in our dancing competition." Hayley reads out as i scream.

"I did it, I did it." I scream as i start t do my victory dance. "Oh, my god. I have to start training and get 8 dances ready and i have to get my costumes. That also means i have to write 8 songs. Why would you tell my to audition for this. I am going to die."

"Y/n, calm down. You are going to do fine." Hayley say.

"Fine is not good enough. I need to be perfect." I say running of to my room


"I remember that day. You went crazy. In 8 months you had 8 songs and 8 dances and you were going though all of you old costumes trying to make new ones." Hayley laughed.

"It was not funny. I was a mess. I was working 6 days a week with over time and was training and tutoring you and Alex in every other subject. Anyways."


8 months later

"Y/n, come eat. You have been practicing enough." My mom says waking into the garage.

"Enough is not good enough. Everything has to be perfect." I say stopping my music. "This girls have been practicing everyday probably 8 hours a day and training all day everyday. And i am working 2 jobs, overtime to pay for everything." I say taking a seat.

"Y/n, you could have asked for your father or me to help you. You don't have to do everything by yourself. You are the strongest and most powerful girl i know. You can do everything you want. The other girls my have trained everyday but they dont want it as much as you do. They dont work as hard as you do and they certainly do not have the heart like you do. You aren't scared and you are working your ass of because you want it more than any of them."

"Thanks mom." I say taking a breath.


4 months later

"Come on, we are going to be later for our flight." I shout pulling Hayley down the stairs as we all start loading into the car.

"We aren't going to be later. Plus, we dont have to be there till Sunday, and today is Wednesday." My mom says as she gets into the car. "We have everything." We all nod.

-My Everything- {greenhouse Academy Leo Cruz x reader}Where stories live. Discover now