Symbol + SOS + Evan + Desi + Nanotech + Replacement

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Mac would be lying if he said things had been normal since he flatlined. They had been anything but that. Everyone around him acted differently in various ways. Desi and him had grown more awkward around each other. Mac didn't remember anything from when he flatlined. He's not even sure why he's still alive. He knows something brought him back but he had no clue what it was. Desi seemed to have an idea but anytime he tried to approach the subject something came up. They hadn't been overly busy since they cut ties with the government but they still had jobs to do and some were more urgent than others. It had only been two weeks since Mac flatlined, but since then they had gone on 9 different missions. Some were easy some were hard but that's what happens when you're a spy.

Desi coming outside to sit next to him interrupted Mac's thoughts. Mac was working on a project that he hoped could help people. Ask anyone else what it was and they'd tell you they have no clue. Well, except Riley. Riley always seemed to understand what Mac was doing or making. Right now he was working on his recycled ventilators he started during quarantine. Desi looks at Mac and gives him a small smile. "So I wanna talk to you." Desi says dropping the smile. "Okay." Mac says turning to face her. "Ever since you flatlined... things have been awkward to say the least. We haven't really been a good couple at all. I thought about it and-" Both their phones go off simultaneously. It's a text from Matty saying she needs them in the war room. "It's Matty. Look when we have free time I definitely wanna continue this conversation cause your right." Mac says. "Ok well let's go kick the missions butt." Desi says with a smile.

Episode characters:
Angus MacGyver, Desi Nugyean, Riley Davis, Wilt Bozer, Matty Webber, Russ Taylor, Evan Gray

As Desi and Mac enter the war room Mac and Riley exchange glances with a small smile. This small gesture doesn't go unnoticed by Desi. Most people should be irritated but Desi finally realised and came to terms with the fact that Mac and Riley were made for each other. There was no doubt about it and everyone could see it but them. Matty walks in and they all turn their attention to her. "Sorry to call you guys in so abruptly but we have a problem." She says. They all nod in understanding. "36 hours ago this symbol was sent to the Phoenix. Trying to trace the sender was a bust. All we know is the person that sent this sent it from a burner phone in Afghanistan. Judging by the relative location we are assuming it is an SOS. However no one seems to know what this symbol is or any idea who would have sent it." Matty explains. It just looked like a weird circle of ink with a squiggly line down the middle. Well to everyone but Desi that is. Mac can tell by the look on Desi's face she knows something. "Des, you okay?" He asks. She shakes her head. "It can't be..." She starts. "What do you mean?" Matty asks intrigued. "That symbol... Evan and I made it as a secret SOS years ago. We always said if one of us had to go deep cover we would use it in emergencies.... No one else knew that symbol..." She says still in shock. "You said Evan was declared dead in action but they never found his body right?" Mac says starting to connect the dots. "Yea..." She says. "So Evan may not really be dead. He may just be making the people who are after him think he's dead." Matty says. "Yea." Desi says. "Well Mac, Desi, you two are wheels up in 20. Go get ready. Bozer, Riley, you two are gonna stay in the war room for this one." Matty says. They all nod and start preparing.

On the plane... headed to Afghanistan

Mac and Desi were sitting across from each other. Desi was staring out the window and Mac was watching her. "Des, how are doing with all this?" Mac asks breaking the silence. "I honestly don't think I've processed it yet." Desi says turning to look at him. "Listen, Des, about earlier. I think we both know where that conversation was headed." Mac says softly. "Mac... for a while I wanted to believe I wasn't using you as a replacement. I really thought I had fallen in love with you. But after we broke up twice I knew we weren't gonna work out. Then codex happened and I didn't want you to feel alone but honestly we shouldn't have gotten back together after that. And I've finally accepted that I was using you as a replacement for Evan. After everything with the nanobots it became really clear to me." Desi says. "I agree. I feel like we always sucked at communicating and we were lacking a solid bass for our relationship. We barely gave ourselves anytime to build trust and that's on both of us. I think we should break up for good. But I'm still willing to be your friend." Mac says. "I'd like that, Mac." Desi says. They exchange small smiles and both of them feel like a giant weight has been lifted.

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