Chapter Five: The Foreign Lioness

Start from the beginning

"And that's why you need to go. Tsukasa believes that I'm in the afterlife, giving us a huge military advantage! I will know where he is at all times because you two will infiltrate as spies! I've told Yuzuriha the mission; you gotta protect her," Senku said to Taiju confidently. "(Y/N) will stay and help me bring civilization back. However, you need to develop a good excuse for why she isn't with you. Tell him that she ran away and went missing or something, alright?"

You were surprised that Senku even said that. Then again, even if he didn't, you still wouldn't want to see Tsukasa. He almost choked you to death, after all. You had feared him and his strength.

"Got it. Leave it to me!" Taiju nodded and pumped himself up.

You then warned, "You two be careful. Since Senku told him the formula, I think he will be creating an army of his own to control, then revive the young if he isn't stopped."

"To defeat Tsukasa, we need to create a revolutionary army and fight him with science!" asserted Senku.

Yuzuriha questioned, "But how are you gonna do that by yourselves?"

"And you guys won't have gunpowder anymore since Tsukasa has taken it over!" Taiju added.

"We'll be okay, Taiju, Yuzuriha. With the two of you on the other side, we will be fighting separately," you said softly.

Senku gave a smile as he looked up at the sky. "Ah, here comes the sad goodbyes overflowing with tears. And since I'm dead, don't forget to visit my grave, got it?"

With that, you said your goodbyes to your friends. You embraced Taiju and Yuzuriha before packing up your things and leaving with Senku. As you saw them go, you turned your back towards them until you heard Taiju yelling at the both of you, holding his fist up in the air. Senku held his flag up in the air as you waved to them. Then, the two lovers disappeared, and it was just you and the scientist.


It was silent as you walked together. It was painfully obvious that Senku couldn't rush you nor take any risky paths because of your neck, hence the slow pace you were taking. You felt guilty already, as though you were a burden to him. But you also had no idea what else Senku was thinking about. All you did was follow him, as you assumed that he had plans. However, just to make sure, you needed to break that silence.

"Senku, what's your plan for our fight against Tsukasa?" You questioned him. You winced at the sound of your voice. It wasn't completely there, as it was weak and quiet.

He replied, "We're going to find that mysterious group 'x' that lit the signals. We can get them to be our allies. The problem is, if Tsukasa and 'x' make contact, we're screwed."

"Then if they pass each other, let's hope that they don't meet--" You were interrupted by the sound of wood splintering in the distance, along with a long tree falling. "Senku!"

"I know!"

The scientist ran in the direction of the felled tree, with you slightly behind. It took quite a bit of distance, but you two saw it. A blonde girl stuck underneath a log. You two approached her with worry.

She spoke up with her bright blue eyes staring at you, "You there! The gentlemanly sorcerer and the woman he saved! You're alive!"

You two met up with her to check if she was alright. Senku tried to use his stick as a wedge to try prying the log off of her, but it was too heavy to lift.

"We can introduce ourselves later, so please save your strength!" You begged.

"Do you think you can hold until sundown?" Senku asked her. "If not, I can gamble and use the last of the gunpowder to blast you out, but if so, then I'll one billion percent save you, even if it kills me! Decide now!"

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