Chapter 2: The Cullens Meet the Winchester Siblings

Start from the beginning

"Did you feel that," Emmett asked as he looked at his brothers.

"Yes," Jasper said, "Could this mean she's here?"

"It's quite possible," Edward answered.

Emmett nodded and all three of them lowered the left side of their shirts to look at their chests.  On Edward's chest on the top right part of the heart was Andronika Winchester, the same for Emmett but on the top left of the heart, and also for Jasper but on the right diagonal of the heart.  All three brothers had the same name on their chests showing them that they will be sharing a mate.

"It seems like Carlisle has met her," Emmett said, his voice full of excitement.

All four men knew that they would be sharing the same mate thanks to a vision Alice had eighteen years ago.  Then realization hit all three of them.

"If Carlisle has met her I bet she's at the hospital," Jasper said while Edward nodded.

"She's there alright," came Alice's voice from the doorway.

"Then let's go, Edward, Jasper." Emmett said as he stood up.

"Emmett, Carlisle will be bringing her home in a couple of days, be patient.  From what I saw she was pretty badly hurt when Carlisle saw her, she needs to rest," Alice said, standing in front of Emmett.

"How badly hurt are we talking about?"  Jasper asked as he stood next to Emmett, Edward just next to him.

"She required two hours of surgery just to stitch her up." came Carlisle's voice from the stairs.

"What happened, Carlisle," Esme asked, her voice full of concern for her friend's mate.

"Her older brother claimed it was a bear attack, but I've never seen claw marks like that before by any bear.  She's quite brave but stupid to protect one of her brothers," Carlisle said.

Carlisle didn't wanting to tell the others that she's a hunter, and not just any hunter but a Winchester.

"It's a miracle that she survived the attack." Edward said as he saw Andy's body upon arrival in Carlisle's mind.

"Will she be okay," Rose asked.

"In time, yes the wound will leave scars though." Carlisle said, sitting down on the couch.

"What's she like," Emmett asked as he sat down next to Carlisle on his left.

"Handy with a knife and a little terrifying."

"What do you mean?" Jasper asked, sitting down on Carlisle's other side.

"She sounds feisty," Edward said.

"Oh she is, we call her a firecracker." came a new voice from the top of the stairs.

When the Cullen's looked up Carlisle was surprised to see the oldest Winchester sibling.  Since Carlisle was the only one who knew the oldest hunter he was the only one who didn't get into a crouching attack, except for Alice who couldn't take her eyes off the oldest Winchester sibling.  Realizing that Dean could possibly get attacked, Carlisle sped over to the oldest Winchester standing in front of him.

"Everyone relax, this is Dean Winchester, our mate's older brother and I'm sure she'd kill anyone who hurt him," Carlisle explained.

"Oh and she has, Andy is sometimes more frightening than a pissed off demon," Dean said in a joking manner.

"Wait, did you say 'Winchester', Carlisle?  As in the famous hunters, the Winchester?" Edward asked.

"So you've heard of us, our reputation is well known I see amongst you supers."


"Supernaturals, anyway that's not why I'm here. I came to see where my sister will be staying.  Still not too thrilled it'll be with a nest of vampires," Dean said, crossing his arms.

"Coven," Rose said, irritated.

"Excuse me?"

"This is a coven, not a nest."

"Sorry sweetheart but in the hunter's world this is a nest," Dean said, as he stared her down.

"Rose, back down," Carlisle warned, "The Winchester are not ones to mess with."

"That's an understatement," came a female's voice from behind Dean.

Everyone turned to look and saw a young woman with brown hair and the same green eyes as Dean, standing there.  If people didn't know that the two of them were six years apart people would think the two of them were twins.  Behind the young female hunter stood the middle Winchester sibling.  The middle Winchester looked at the vampires before his eyes fell onto the blonde female vampire.  Rose couldn't help but to look at Sam and be surprised that the middle Winchester was her mate.

"Sam, what's Andy doing out of the hospital?"

"Dean, you of all people should know you can't keep a Winchester in a hospital for long," Andy said as she stood next to her oldest brother.

Seconds later Carlisle was standing on the stair just below her and Dean, a look of concern on his face.

"You really should be in the hospital sweetheart."

Sam let out a chuckle from behind his two siblings, "There's a lot you have to learn about your mate doc.  First thing is, we're all stubborn and it's almost impossible to keep us in the hospital for long."

"I'll be fine once I have Castiel or Gabriel heal me," Andy said as she walked past Carlisle.

Upon getting to the bottom of the stairs, Andy made eye contact with her three other mates.  As soon as Edward, Emmett, and Jasper's golden eyes met her green ones it was just like when she first saw Carlisle, time seemed to stop.  Edward, Emmett, and Jasper all smelled the same scent of peaches, strawberries, and honey that Carlisle had caught.  To Andy, Edward had the scent of old books, lavender, and crisp winter night.  Emmett smelled of the rain, a bonfire, and pine, while Jasper smelled of honey, an open field of wildflowers, and mint.

Seconds later Andy grunted in pain as she placed her hand over her heart where the names were located.  Immediately Carlisle was at her side, his eyes scanning over her looking for any injuries.  It wasn't moments later that all four men grunted and also clutched their chests.  The rest of the Cullen family and the two Winchester brothers watched the five of them.  When the pain vanished from all of them they looked at one another.  Andy was the first to do anything.  Pulling the collar of her shirt down along with some of the bandages, to everyone's surprise, the four names were filled in black over her heart, completing the mating mark.

"Finally, she found her mates," Dean said, smiling at his sister as Alice smiled at the scene even though he wasn't happy about it.

Almost everyone in the coven had found their mate in one of the Winchester siblings, now Esme was the only one to find her mate.  Everyone looked at Andy to see the names filled in.  Carlisle Cullen, Edward Cullen, Emmett Cullen, and Jasper Whitlock-Hale were filled in black elegant cursive writing.  Only the four male vampire mates and Alice knew that they would be sharing a mate.

"You four finally have your mate," Esme said.

Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, and Jasper all lowered their shirts as well to see that the names on their chests were filled in over their hearts.  All five of them felt complete now that they had met their mate.

"Interesting," Andy said, "But I have an Angel to call for."

"Angel," Rose asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You'll see Barbie," Dean said.

Rose just growled at Dean who put his hand on his pistol.  Sam smacked his older brother on the chest while Andy rolled her eyes before walking closer to her four mates.  All four of them circled her in a protective manner as Andy took a deep breath before speaking.

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