Chapter 1

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I awoke this morning feeling extremely weird and it wasn't because me and my siblings stayed up all night playing video games. I had never felt like this before but I decided to ignore it. I got up and got dressed. I was extremely excited. After all today was my birthday! I walked to the kitchen expecting a birthday breakfast. But when I got there all I saw was my siblings in their pajamas playing games on their phones. I was disappointed. But then they all yelled, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM!" I smiled as they all pulled me into a big hug. "Alright now everyone get changed!" Kat said. "Why?" I asked. "We are gonna go out for breakfast!" Kat told me. I got so happy that I started jumping up and down. Afterwards I got changed and we went out to eat breakfast.

When we got home Kat said, "We have one more surprise... WE'RE GONNA GO TO THE BEACH AND HAVE A PICNIC!" I got REALLY excited. I ran to my room and got ready. My other siblings did the same. We all ran to the car. Well everyone except Kat who was struggling to carry the picnic basket and all her things. "CAN I GET SOME HELP HERE!?" Kat yelled. "I will sue you for asking me to help because that is illegal since it is my birthday," I said smugly. Allen ended up helping her.
When we got to the beach the first thing we did was wiggle our feet in the sand. Then we set the picnic basket down and got into the water. We were all having lots of fun.

The next thing we knew we were being sucked down into the water by a whirlpool. All I remembered was the sound of everyone's screaming fading as I sunk deeper and deeper into the water. Everything went black after that.

I awoke in a strange place. It looked like a forest. I wasn't sure where I was but one thing I knew for sure was that we weren't in Canada anymore. I got up and realized my siblings were no where in sight. "GUYS WHERE ARE YOU?!" I heard someone yell in the distance. I realized it was Wenny and responded,"I'M GOING TO SUE THAT WHIRLPOOL FOR KIDNAPPING ME!" "I THINK I ALSO WANNA SUE THAT WHIRLPOOL!!" I heard Kat yelling in the distance. I walked towards her voice. Soon enough I found her. She was near a river. It was a very beautiful river and I wanted to stay there but we had to find the others.
Soon enough we all reunited. We all took a look at our surroundings. We had no idea where we were but we knew we had to get to Canada. Even though I kinda didn't want to leave. The forest we were in was beautiful. There were flowers of all kinds. They came in a variety of colors. Like purple and pink. I also noticed this strange rainbow flower. It was as tall as a sunflower. I also noticed that there was a river nearby but it wasn't a normal river. This river was glowing blue. It was really bright and it looked almost magical.

"I don't think we're in the same universe anymore." Betty said as she examined the river. "What are humans doing in this realm?" A strange voice said from behind us. We all turned around and saw what looked to be a human deer. We all kinda stood there staring at the creature. But then I broke the silence. "ARE YOU THE PERSON WHO BROUGHT US HERE BECAUSE IF YOU ARE I WILL SUE YOU FOR KIDNAPPING AND ENDANGERMENT!!" The creature just stared at me confused. "What are you talking about?" The creature asked. "A magical whirlpool portal thing brought us here." responded Wenny. "Wait did you say portal?" asked the creature. "Yeah." responded Wenny. "But there's only one person who can open portals between the realms and they're supposed to be dead!" exclaimed the creature. "Wait you girl with blonde hair. YOU LOOK LIKE HER! MAYBE YOU'LL BE ABLE TO DEFEAT DRACA!! WE MUST GO TO THE DEER ELDERS NOW!" "Wait we don't even know your name-" Allen said. "Oh sorry
I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ellical!" responded Ellical.

We all introduced ourselves too. Then followed Ellical to the "Deer Elders". When we got there they all seemed shocked. "Do you think it really is him?" One of the elders whispered to the others. They were all huddled together. That was the only thing I heard. But after I heard them say that they all turned around and looked at Allen. Then they pulled out a photo and inspected it and also inspected Allen. "IT IS HIM! OUR PRINCE HAS FINALLY RETURNED!" they all said in unison. We all looked at them with a confused look. Then they showed us a photo of someone who looked exactly like Allen did now but this photo looked like it was really old. "Who is this?" asked Allen. "He used to be our king." replied one of the elders. We all stared at the photo in awe. "Wait so I'm a prince?" asked Allen. "Well yes you are. But now you must become the king and you must help stop the evil Draca from infecting our land! And the blonde one she's going to help us get from realm to realm!" exclaimed the elder. "Excuse me but I have a name." I said. "And what is your name?" Asked one of the elders. "I am Kim. The blue one is Kat. The pink one is Betty. The purple one is Wenny. And the one with the brown hair is Allen." I said. "Well then it's nice to meet you!" exclaimed the elders in unison. We all just stared at them not knowing what to do after that. Then they explained everything to us. "Our king's name was Draco. He died fighting trying to protect you from Draca. He sent you to the Earth realm so that Draca would never be able to find you. And now here you are all grown." One of the elders said. We all were very surprised by what they were telling us. "Who is Draca?" Allen asked. "Draca is your older sister." Replied one of the elders. "Why did she turn evil?" Asked Allen. "It all started when you were 1 year old. You were a very smart child and already knew how to talk and walk by then. Your parents were very proud of you and praised you a lot. This made Draca jealous. Now at the time Draca was 14 years old. Eventually Draca couldn't hold her anger and jealousy in so she turned to the dark-side. Her plan was to kill you and take over the realm. But that wasn't enough for her. So she began to take over the other realms. We and a small group of people that were able to escape, came here and now we are training. Because one day we will get our realm back. You should help us!" Explained the elder. We all kinda looked at the elders in shock. We didn't know what to say. "Can you give us a moment?" Kat asked. "Sure." Replied the elder.

We all huddled up and started talking and arguing. Soon enough we came up with a decision. The elders looked at us anxiously waiting for our answer. "We will help you." Allen said. The elders got a really happy look on their faces. We all smiled. Soon enough they led us to what looked like a gym. "This is where we will be training you." Explained one of the elders. All of us looked around amazed. There was lots of equipment. We were all super excited to begin training. "So what do we do first?" I asked. "Well first we must teach you how to use your powers!" Said one of the elders. "Powers? But we don't have powers." Allen said confused. "That's what you think," the elders said. We were all confused. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

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