"Yeah." was the green-haired scientist's reply.

'Where Senku, Rikona and I woke up...' thought Taiju, recalling the moments from when he woke up inside the cave, to de-petrifying Yuzuriha; before everything else that led up to this moment. 'The starting point of everything. The Miracle Cave.'

"That's the cave where we collected bat droppings to produce..." trailed off Chrome.

"Nitric acid." continued Rikona. "We don't know how long it'll be for Tsukasa or Hyoga to find the mobile phone, or even realise what we're doing and come running towards us. Once they arrive in battle, things will become more complicated than we expect. So the first thing we need to do is to secure the cave, particularly the Miracle Fluid."

"Yeah." responded Senku. "Since you'll be in charge of the battle strategy and healing, no matter what happens, don't engage. If you get hurt, there'll be no one to heal the injured, and then it's game over for us. Got it?"

"Yes, mom." was her reply, causing him to click his tongue in annoyance. "Anyway, let's get into position."

"Yeah." was the response from the battle team before quietly moving away from the bushes.

From above, Ukyo stood atop one of the tree branches. He listened attentively, making sure that there was no movement approaching them. Once he was sure it was safe, he leaped down to where the Kingdom of Science was. "Tsukasa and Hyoga are near the grave." he reported. "It's quite far from here."

"Thanks for the information." said Senku, who was sitting in the tank with Chrome and Gen. "This scary-looking cannon on this tank can fire a loud cannon. I'm ten billion percent sure they'll lose the will to fight upon hearing it. According to the study of Harvard psychologist, Shawn Achor, human panic responses last for twenty seconds. In other words, if our ambush works, and the enemies feel that they can only flee, we have only twenty seconds before they calm down and counterattack. If it comes to that, someone will die."

Ginro wasn't keen on this idea. "W-We'll fight after twenty seconds?" he questioned hesitantly.

Magma only cackled at this. "Just kill everyone." he suggested.

"No, no one dies." reminded Kinro sternly. "That's Ukyo's condition that we agreed on. Rules are rules. If you break the rule, the battle plan will collapse." He then looked over to the said man sitting atop the branch, earning a curt nod from him.

"Which means that we have to stick to Doc's strategy, where we use our lightning-fast ambush and occupy the Miracle Cave without killing anyone." phrased Senku while gripping onto the leather pilot helmet he was wearing. "Okay, let's get ready."

Once the tank was started up, Chrome cued, "Steam Gorilla. Go!" Gen steered, and the tank began to move forward, signaling the rest to move forward.

"Prepare yourselves, everyone!" commanded Kohaku. As she ran ahead with the rest, her mind drifted to the rest who weren't on the battlefield with them. 'These twenty seconds will determine the fate of all humanity.' she thought.

Twenty seconds. Albeit short, it was all they needed to change the course of this war.



"Fire!" commanded Senku.

As everyone let out battle cries whilst charging ahead, the cannon was fired on command. The loud sounds caught the guards' attention; too late to realise that a cannon was heading towards their direction. All they could do was stare in confusion.

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