Stone Wars

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"Is there an army of ridiculously strong people like that long-haired guy coming our way?" questioned Kohaku worriedly.

"That's right." answered Gen with a slight shrug. "He has been reviving a lot of people."

Senku let out his signature chuckle. "We've come to an all-out war between the Kingdom of Science and the Kingdom of Might." he stated. "This is so exciting."

Rikona was munching on a piece of meat while listening to the conversation. But when she noticed the uneasiness emanating from Gen's expression, she couldn't help but ask, "Is something bothering you, Kitsune? Or perhaps there's more to than Tsukasa sending his men over to invade the village?"

"Yeah, you got me there." he responded nervously, to which the others looked at him with surprise. "Like Ri-chan said, Tsukasa-chan isn't the only one who's bad news though. If either Tsukasa-chan or that guy gets here, we'll have no choice but to flee. That guy was just revived recently, and his name is Hyoga-chan." Rikona's ears perked up at the familiar name, though this went unnoticed by everyone else as the mentalist continued, "I left before them, pretending to infiltrate the village so I can let you know in advance. But I could only buy so much time-"

"GUYS!" yelled Ginro from the wooden bridge. "We are in trouble!" Everyone turned to look at him, who had a look of fear when he announced, "We're under attack!"

"Speak of the devil." muttered the black-haired lass who shot up from her spot. "Let's go!"

Without wasting any time, the members of the Kingdom of Science rushed to the scene, just in time to see Kinro struggling against a tall man with short white hair. He wore bird feathers around his neck, tan gloves, and a black mask covering his nose and mouth. While shirtless, he wore a long black cloak and a baggy grey warrior-skirt with an elaborate white sash tied around his waist securing the garment He also donned a pair of mid-thigh tan-coloured boots that match his gloves.

"They are already attacking us?" questioned Gen with disbelief. But upon seeing the enemy, he got even more worried. "This is seriously bad! Kinro-chan is fighting with Hyoga!"

As if on cue, the latter thrust his spear and struck Kinro in the mid-section, causing him the cough out blood before he was tossed over the bridge. Everyone stood still stupefied by the scene unfolding before their own eyes. But luckily for them, Kinro managed to grab onto Hyoga's ankle when he stood close to the edge.

"KINRO!" yelled Kohaku. Wielding a dagger in her hand, she was about to run towards him but was held back by her father.

"Wait, Kohaku!" he shouted.

"Now!" wheezed Kinro as Hyoga positioned his spear at him. "Cut down the bridge, Ginro!" The said man let out a gasp and stared at his own spear with wide eyes.

"Let go, Dad!" shouted Kohaku while struggling to get out of his grip.

"You fool!" he scolded. "You don't stand a chance against a spear on a bridge!"

"But Kinro is-!" she argued.

"Kohaku!" said her father sternly.

"Think of the children!" said Turquoise. "There is no other way. Hurry! Do it now!"

Ginro was stuck in a dilemma: to cut off the wooden bridge and sacrifice his brother, or save his brother but endanger the rest of the villagers. And neither choices were favourable. Eventually, though hesitantly, he walked over to the rope and slowly began to cut it. "That's right." he muttered shakily. "I have to cut it. I must cut off this bridge to save the village."

"That's good." assured his brother with a defeated smile. "I can't be saved anymore."

But before Ginro could even leave a tiny cut on the rope itself, he stopped. Tears trickled down his cheeks before he removed his spear from the rope and sobbed, "I can't. I can't do it. If I do it, Kinro will die! I can't do it, nii-chan!"

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