Jordan: babe

They start to cry

Nat: it's so nice to see you again princess... I'm so sorry about a couple of weeks ago in Germany

Jordan: I'm sorry as well

She pauses for a moment

Jordan: what happened with tony after you let steve and bucky go?

Nat: I did what you and the rest of the group did...I ran away once tony talked to me

Jordan: where are you living right now?

Nat: I'm crashing at a past friend's house

Jordan: nat-

Nat: it's okay

Nat looks down

Nat: where is your ring

Jordan;....... It's at the compound... i-i left it there because I didn't want to ruin it or break it when we were fighting. I'm so sorry i-

Nat: Hey hey hey calm down

She pulls something out from her pocket

Nat: maria grabbed it for me once I ran away as well

Natasha opens it

Jordan: my ring!

Natasha puts the ring on jordans finger

Nat: now we match again

Jordan: Come by the house. Carol and Wanda would want to see you

Nat: Are you sure?

Jordan: yeah

Nat: I don't know

Jordan: we've all been worried...and Otis is there as well

Nat: Sure I'll go

20 minutes later they arrive at Carol and Wanda's house

Jordan: I'm back

Carol: oh my god we were getting worried. nat?

She hugs Natasha

Wanda walks into the room from her and carol's shared bedroom

Wanda: hey bubs d- Natasha

She hugs Natasha

They talk for a bit and Natasha spends the night

Nat: Thanks for letting me stay

Carol: it's no problem nat

A week later

Nat: so what do you think?

Jordan runs her fingers through Natasha's now short and bleached hair

Jordan: I prefer you with your long and red hair instead of this short and bleached hair

Nat: I know but I had to change my appearance since we are now on the run from the government. And I can't just shapeshift another look for myself unlike you

Jordan: jokes on you I still don't know how to use that power

They both laugh

Jordan: I have to admit though it's weird seeing your hair short and bleached Wanda's a red-orange similar to your old color and then my sister an almost chocolate looking brown

Nat: yup... that's going to take some time to get used to

They both laugh

Nat: what did you think of the vest I got yesterday?

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