Making Friends

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Hi, so you are going to be two years older than the main three. So you'll be 18 in the year 850 when walk Rose is attacked. Just in case some of you get confused timeline wise, you are not meant to be the same age as the main three.
Also I make a comment about the Bible in this. That the main character thinks it's a fantasy novel. This is not my actual beliefs I just think that it would be funny and ironic if they found other religions to be a fantasy when their's is literally based on lies and secrets. And it's to prove the reader's ignorance and child-like behavior. Like when a kid sees someone fly on tv and says "Hey they're like Superman!!"

Anyway, enjoy the story.



The two flew through the air using these strange metal strings attached to big rectangular boxes full of swords. The child looked around as they soared in wonder. They were never allowed to step foot out into the sun before. This was the first time they ever felt the wind in their hair or saw how vibrant the world was.
Their hair blew back harshly in the breeze as they swung between buildings. The feelings of adrenaline were not foreign to them, but it has never been for positive reasons.
A small grin broke out on their face.

The world was expanding with every turn of their head.

They looked back toward the laboratory to see a simple, plain house.
To think inside that seemingly cozy family home this young child prayed for death. They lost hope for the future in that house even abandoned the idea of having one.

It also made them question how no one ever heard them scream or pleading for the universe to grant mercy. And nothing came...

Until now.

And in that moment they vowed to themselves no one would ever ignore them again. If they had something to say the entire world would hear it. No one can silence them ever again.

Hannes soon arrives at the boat that is meant to take people away from Shiganshina. The child, however, did not know the name or area of where they would be transported to nor did they know the names of any districts or walls.
They knew of the walls, but never understood the importance or significance of them. They more saw it as a cage or a way of keeping people inside, not monsters out.

Once the pair arrived at the boat the crowd of people parted like the ocean did for the one weird magical man, Moses, in that one fairytale book the doctor used to read to them.
He drops the child off on the ground in front of the ramp to get on the boat.

"Off you go kid, this boat will take you to safety," he says hastily while gently pushing me forward by the shoulders.

Suddenly the crowd bursts into protests and begin to shove forward.

"Hey, that's not fair!!"

"We were here first!!"

"We are actually useful citizens that can work, let us on!!"

Hannes and the other soldier by the ramp both told the crowd to be quiet harshly.
The other man spoke first," You all know the drill!! Children take first priority!! There will be other boats to evacuate on.... Go ahead kiddo."

They nod their head slightly and timidly take a step onto the ramp. They glance at the pulley systems above that will pull the boat and look down into the waterless canal below, fascinates.

"Come on kid, hurry up. Hey, Eren, Mikasa," Hannes shouts looking around the boat.
A girl with mid length black hair peeks over the edge of the boat, her chin fully tucked into the blood red scarf wrapped around her neck.

"Take care of this one will yah? I think y'all will get along well, nice addition to yah little trouble makers," and with a wink he's off without waiting for her reply.
She makes her way over to the small one, grabbed their hand and dragged them over to where her and a boy with taupe brown hair and vibrant green eyes was sitting staring at the ground in horror.

She sat next to him with a calming and attentive aura, as if she was trying to comfort and shield him from the world.

They sat down next to a blonde haired boy with brilliant blue eyes. The boy noticed them staring at him with great intensity and got a little uncomfortable. After fidgeting for a couple seconds his grandfather nudged him toward the child.

"O-oh sorry, my name is Armin Arlert. I wish we could've met under better circumstances," he says while scratching the back of his head.

They cocked they're head to the side as if thinking for a few seconds. Then they're face lit up as if they had an epiphany.

"My name is Y/N."


When he asked your name You honestly had to think about it. You never grew up with a name, you were always called 'Little One' or 'The Child' and your file was labeled G-764. You were nothing, but a number to them.
And that's when You realized You get to reinvent yourself, start anew. You can be whoever You want to be!!

So from here on out you were Y/N...

The most kick ass person anyone will ever have the privilege to meet.
You are determined to make a name for yourself.

You will no longer be invisible or ignored.

You will leave a long lasting impression on the world.

You refuse to be a doll for people to play with.

You will fight back.

You will find joy and learn what laughing feels like.

You will make friends and fulfill dreams with them.

This is a new start, a hopeful beginning surrounded by death and sadness.....

Now let's get to work.


So it's shorter than the last one but I had to include how you met the trio in there somewhere.
Let me know what you thought.

Gifted (AOT x Nonbinary!!Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat