The journey begins

Start from the beginning

„What do you think, Karas? Do you think people will think badly of me now? Because I left or will they understand? Karas puffed briefly, raising his head.

„I see, I'm sure the blacksmith will be pleased. I'm sure Jennifer will understand too, but I don't think Matt will like the fact that I left. I wouldn't be surprised if he came riding after me." Karas shook his head briefly.

„No Karas, he certainly won't come after me. He's too cowardly for that. Look up ahead."

Sahra and Karas came out of the forest to the bank of a river. Sahra looked closely at the course of the river.

„That must be the river that ends in the Emperor River. If we follow it, we will quickly reach Altstein." Sahra knew this because her father had often told her exactly where Pihlus was and how to get to Altstein from there. She also knew that the nearest larger town was Tasor. And it was only a day's ride away. Sahra continued riding with Karas along the road towards Tasor. Most of the time she looked in the direction of the river. She kept seeing wind fish jumping out of the water and birds trying to catch them from the air. After a while, she saw a small figure in the distance hitting something. When Sahra came closer, she saw that it was a dwarf. He was furiously hitting a cart that was lying in the ditch. Behind the dwarf there was a horse grazing in the meadow. The dwarf didn't notice Sahra at first, he was just too angry. He had short black hair and a small black moustache. He was wearing very fine and tidy leather clothes. Eventually, the dwarf did notice Sahra and calmed down a little. Apparently, he was a little uncomfortable that someone had seen his tantrum. Sahra stopped next to the dwarf. She had never seen a dwarf before. While she knew that dwarves lived all over the Empire, they never strayed into Pihlus.

„What are you staring at? Never seen an angry dwarf before, girl?" Sahra didn't know what to say at first.

„Do you want something from me or are you just staring at me?" The dwarf shot Sahra a nasty look.

„Sorry, I just saw you banging against the cart. I thought maybe you needed help?" Sahra asked cautiously. The dwarf looked at his cart.

„Of course I need help, this damn horse here just went berserk and drove the cart into the ditch. Now I can't get it out." Sahra looked at the horse. It was standing quietly in the meadow eating grass. She got off Karas and checked out the cart.

„Is something broken or is it just stuck?" The dwarf also glanced at the cart.

„No, it's just stuck, but I can't get it out. I actually have to get to the Black Fortress as soon as possible. But I don't think that's going to happen." His voice became quieter, apparently glad that someone was helping him.

„Well, I could attach my horse and yours to the wagon and push it from behind, maybe we can get the wagon out then?" The dwarf looked at Karas.

„Can your horse even do that, it doesn't look very strong?" Sahra put her hands on her hips.

„Of course my horse can do it, you'll see."

The dwarf nodded and Sahra hitched Karas and the dwarf's horse to the cart.

The dwarf mounted it while Sahra pushed from behind. As the dwarf ordered the two horses to pull, Sahra pushed as best she could. At first, the cart hardly moved. But the more the horses pulled and Sahra pushed, the more the cart moved.

„Yes, it won't work for long, we'll have it in a second." The dwarf's voice was full of hope. Finally, the cart came free and moved back onto the road. The dwarf cheered that it had worked. Sahra rushed to the cart and untied Karas. The dwarf jumped off the cart in one leap and beamed all over his face.

the green Ravens: departure into uncertaintyWhere stories live. Discover now