She ran home as quickly as she could. But the roads detoured and traffic was slow moving.

She made it home eventually and grabbed her music. Then a thought occurred to her that she should invite Ben to go on a hike later that day.

She stoped in front of his door and knocked. What was that strange smell coming from inside? She could smell it seeping through the door. My goodness did something die in there?

She knocked again and was surprised when she heard a series of beeps and the door opened on its own.

As she stepped inside her eyes went wide as she took in the disaster that was Ben's apartment.

The broken glass of light bulbs crunched under her feet. Garbage littered the floor.
The apartment looked like Ben had his own private indoor earth quake .

Slowly she made her way deeper into the room. All was quite and dark, almost to the point of being creepy.

Where was he and what had happened? Suddenly she felt afraid that something terrible had happened to him. Horrible images of him hurt and alone flitted through her mind.

When a light beamed on to a piece of wood she carefully walked up to what she recognized as the top part of a Cello. It had been partially carved and looked exquisitely crafted.

Did Ben make this? Was he secretly trying to mend her old Cello?
She turned it over in her hands and saw the initials B. C. S. etched on the smooth surface.

Her heart squeezed in her chest and she gasped as another light from the track lighting in the ceiling shown down on a strange object that looked broken and mangled, laying on the floor.

Illuminated by the light was a lap top computer. Rey had never seen one before. She had heard of them but didn't pay much attention since she line of work had nothing to do with technology.

Carefully she picked it up off the floor and carried it over to Ben's desk. Another beam of light illuminated the damaged object and without warning it began beeping and humming.

Rey jumped back expecting a shock of electricity to shoot out but instead found herself listening to beautiful Cello music.

Unexpectedly, she recognized the music. It was the duet that they played that first time. The song that captured her curiosity and her heart.

The screen glowed and sputtered on. Rey watched in amazement as bright colors of light flitted and swirled across its face. Then the scene changed.
Words were now ricocheting around and around on the screen.
I love you......
I love you.....
I love you....... Me

Rey stood gazing down at the screen, breathing shallow and eyes blinking from overwhelming emotions.
A wonderful sense of warmth wrapped around her like a blanket fresh from the dryer and her eyes filled to overflowing.

Tears fell freely down her cheeks and dripped on to the exposed components. She couldn't see it or hear it , but Bee Bee Ate smiled and sighed contentedly.
He had finally gotten what he had wanted. He couldn't touch her or kiss her , but he was able to reach out to her in the medium of music.     A love song.

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