Humpty Dumpty

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                                                    I will not be another  flower picked for my beauty and left to die.
                                                       I will be wild , difficult to find and impossible to forget.    Erin Van  Vuren

(A/N I'm holding a little contest with this chapter. If you can figure out why I named it Humpty Dumpty I'll dedicate my last chapter to you and maybe somehow squeeze you into the chapter itself. If you know the rhyme then it will be easy peasy lemon squeezey . )

      Ben had a crick in his neck and pins and needles in his left foot as he slowly extracted himself from his coffin sized tub.
The towel he used for a worthless blanket had slipped  heedlessly to the floor.
  Quietly he opened the bathroom door and peered out. He couldn't risk Bee Bee Ate  catching him trying to escape.

Ben thought up a perfect distraction by turning on his electric razor so Bee Bee Ate would focus on the sound and not his tip toeing feet sneaking out of the bathroom.

Thank God that it was Sunday and he didn't need to rush off to work. His thoughts went automatically to Rey. Last night still wasn't fully resolved and he needed to come clean for her. She deserved his honesty.

He stepped gingerly over the broken glass and other debris to reach the door. Bee Bee Ate was happily playing the guessing game of what's that sound as Ben slipped out unseen.

Unfortunately Rey was not home. Where would she be on a Sunday morning? She didn't have any Yoga classes to teach that he was aware of and she would have stoped by if she wanted to go on a adventure with him.

Maybe she went to the concert hall.

Yes, she's got to be there. Ben jumped in his car and sped off. He pulled up to the curb in front and recognized a woman from her Cello section coming out of the building.

"Excuse me, have you seen Rey? I'm looking for her."

It took a moment for the women to remember . " Oh yeah , she forgot her music again and ran home to get it."

Oh no.

Ben's mind went into overdrive as he thought of all the things that could possibly happen if Rey were to go to his apartment. He couldn't risk her seeing what he had hidden there.

Why is it always when you're in a hurry to get somewhere that the whole universe conspires to slow you down and throws everything in your way to hinder your progress?

Red light after red light, road construction, slow moving traffic were making Ben go crazy. He needed to get home now!

He began panicking when more obstacles almost literally jumped in his way. A man on a bike had to swerve out of the way to avoid getting hit.

His hand hurt from all the times he'd hit the horn and he was still four blocks from home.


Rey could have died of humiliation when she discovered she had left her sheet music at home again. She usually wasn't so forgetful.

The group from her section called her early that morning and told her they were meeting for a last minute rehearsal before a big concert the following evening.

Electric DreamsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon