Nothing happened.

Tears tracked down Chloé's cheeks, making lines in her makeup.

"You aren't exceptional. You aren't brave. You're a spoiled brat, not a hero. That's why Ladybug took the Bee Miraculous away from you."

Chloé's shoulders shook.

She knew it, knew she wasn't worthy. Even Plagg hated her, and he dealt with Chat Noir on a regular basis. She was the worst and Ladybug deserved a better, braver partner.

Chloé could only nod as Plagg crushed her soul. What was she supposed to do? She wasn't going to fight back, she deserved every painful word.

"I know." She whispered. Her voice was cracked and watery and broken.

Plagg stared her hard in the eyes when she finally looked back at him.

Every second they stared at each other was another second that Chloé's heart fractured.

"Now tell me why." Plagg demanded.

Chloé blinked. What?

"Tell me why you aren't a hero."

Chloé blinked rapidly, trying to get the tears out of her eyes.

Plagg really wanted to make her say it? To say it out loud how much she sucked?

"I--I hurt people. I bullied Marinette for years. I fuck up constantly and I never apolgize. I'm a terrible person. I'm not brave like--"

"Like Chat Noir?" Plagg interrupted.

He hated her so much that he preferred Chat Noir. Oh god.

Chloé nodded mutely.

"Good." Plagg said, his expression was sour. "Chat Noir was a monster who tried to get rid of me whenever he could. He wasn't brave, but he thought he was."

Chloé opened her mouth to respond but was cut off.

"Chat Noir wasn't brave, he was impulsive and reckless. Bravery isn't rushing into danger at any chance, it's knowing your fear and doing something about it."

She wiped her eyes, sniffling.

"You aren't a hero, Chloé. But you're trying to be. Don't be Chat Noir, be better. So find your fear and overcome it. Bravery means nothing unless you're smart about it."

Plagg gave her a hard look, arms crossed and eyebrows raised. He wanted Chloé to do something about her fear? She was going to give him more.

She could do this. She could do this. She could do this.

"Alright," She breathed out. "Claws out."

Noir stood and backed away from the edge of the building. She took a deep breath and ran forward, leaping off the building.


Her first fear was clad in pink.

Noir landed on the street silently, the civilians surrounding her didn't even notice.

But Marinette Dupain-Cheng did.

The sweet girl had a sinister smile on her face as she skipped towards Noir.

"Chloé!" The girl called out cheerfully.

Noir swallowed painfully, but refused to allow herself a step back. She could do this. She was Noir, Ladybug's partner. She could do this.

"Marinette." She choked out.

Marinette stopped in front of her, smiling sweetly. But Noir knew better than to fall for it, the empty look behind the girl's eyes was wrong.

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