He pulled on the suit, filling the extra pockets with smoke bombs, darts, zip ties, and a few small bombs. He wasn't destruction incarnate for nothing.

Adrien stared at himself in the mirror, his smirk was feral.

There was something missing in his eyes.

The green, swirling colors held nothing behind them. What was supposed to be behind them?

He couldn't remember.

Swinging his new staff a few times, Adrien opened his window and launched himself into the sky.


Chloé thought Marinette looked like the moon.

Beautiful, radiant, hidden away and shadowed by the blinding sun. Underestimated and underappreciated.

Why was beauty always compared to the sun when the moon was far more enticing?

The sun burned eyes and skin, loud and harmful while the moon carefully lit the night, surrounded by stars.

Marinette was the moon. Perfect, sweet.

And too far above Chloé to see her so far below.

Chloé couldn't do anything but watch longingly as Marinette's eyelids slipped closed and her breathing evened out.

She couldn't do anything as she stumbled into her own bittersweet sleep.

Chloé dreamt of the moon.

She looked down from her perch in the sky, turning her silver smile into a scowl as she looked down on Chloé.

"You don't deserve me." The moon whispered, snarling.

Chloé shuddered, inching back into herself.

She wanted to run, to speak, to do anything.

But she was stuck. Stuck in the ground, slowly sinking in, as the moon towered over her in all her glory.

Tears gathered in Chloé's eyes, spilling over her cheeks in a silver waterfall. The tears kept falling and falling.

Falling just like Chloé, who was falling still. Falling into the ocean of tears that covered her mouth and nose.

And she drowned, watching the moon so far above her.


Marinette thought Chloé looked like the sun.

Bright, shining, ablaze with a brilliant glow and bringing light into the world. Misunderstood and belittled.

Why was beauty always compared to the moon, the night, when the sun was so furiously stunning?

The moon sat quietly, boring and lifeless while the sun brought love and life to the day, alone in the sky.

Chloé was the sun. Fierce, proud.

And too far above Marinette to see her below.

Marinette fell asleep first.

She was watching Chloé, the two sitting in companionable silence, when she was pushed over the cliff into a river of slumber.

She gasped, abruptly sitting up to see herself back into her room.

"You know," Noir said, stepping out from the shadows, wreathed in darkness. "You always were so trusting, Marinette."

She looked like a queen--a shadow queen, all wrapped up in darkness. So coldly beautiful.

The hero traced a clawed finger over Marinette's desk as she made her way towards the ravenette. Under one arm, Noir held the Miracle Box.

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