Marinette took a fast step back, almost tripping in her haste to get away from Alya.


She couldn't believe it.

Even after Lila had been exposed, Alya still believed Marinette was a bully.

Alya just smiled.

"Yeah, girl. I'm glad you're back to being nice."

Marinette could barely contain her anger. She clenched her fists, her sharp nails almost drawing blood.

"Why?" She spit out.

Alya raised her eyebrows, looking confused. She gave a short, awkward laugh.

Marinette stood, slamming her hands on the desk.


Alya took a step back, eyes widening comically.

Marinette didn't care. She was fucking sick of Alya pushing her around.


Alya started, but Marinette cut her off.

"Is it because you want something from me? Pastries? A free commission? Or maybe it's just because you think I'll come crawling back to you the second you demand it? Why now of all times do you ask to be my friend again?"

Marinette's shoulders were shaking, her face was flushed red with anger.

And she wanted to punch a wall.

Alya stood there gaping like a fish out of water.

But the thing was, she didn't look sorry or worried.

She looked confused.

Like she didn't even understand what she did wrong.

And that only served to spurr Marinette on more.

"Oh! Could it be because you needed someone new to leech off of now that Lila was outed? You know I have connections, is that why you're back?" Marinette's tone was sickly sweet, a fake smile plastered on her face.

Everyone was staring at them.

Everyone was staring at her.

Because they all thought she really was a bitch.

And maybe she was. Maybe she was everything Lila said and more. Maybe she was cruel and mean and awful.

And maybe she didn't care.

Maybe Marinette was done with their bullshit.

They were toxic and demanding people who didn't deserve her love.

So why should she give it to them?

"Marinette, you don't need to be so mean." Mylene said, looking concerned.

Marinette snapped her fingers dramatically, a wide grin on her face.

"You're right, Mylene!" She turned back to Alya. "Why did you want to be friends again, Alya?"

Alya seemed to find her dignity--probably back in Italy with Lila. She straightened up and stared at Marinette.

"Well the Winter Dance is coming up and I thought maybe we could hang out and you could make me a dress?"

Marinette sent her a blank stare before she sat back down and busied herself with a few scattered papers.

"Interesting, well if you want a commission, Alya. You should have just said so."

Noir SpotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora