Late double date (1/2)[IoRiku/MitsuTenn]

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Late by love... and forgetfulness

"Mitsuki! Tenn-nii!"

"Nii-san... And Nanase-san."

"You're late!"

"Go easy on them, Tenn."

Riku, Iori, Tenn and Mitsuki agreed to mean at 1pm, and it was currently 1.10pm. They are having a double date today. Riku and Mitsuki were really looking forward to going to an amusement park together, but since it was the rainy season, their plans were destroyed by a sudden wave of days long rain. With a change of plans, they decided to do some window shopping and eat a meal together.

"Tenn-nii you haven't seen me in a while, and you scold me first thing after seeing me." Riku fake cried, and clung to his boyfriends arm, to tease his brother. Spending a lot of time with Iori rubbed off on him.

"Why were you late anyway?" Mitsuki asked, completely ignoring Riku and Tenn, who were doing some sort of performance, with the white head fussing over his upset brother.

"We were supposed to arrive early, but Riku-san forgot his bag, so we had to go back for it." Iori said, looking dead.

"But it wouldn't have taken so long, would it?" Mitsuki asked.

"... He remembered when we arrived at the station."


Iori and Riku have moved in together, same with Mitsuki and Tenn. Both pairs rented new apartments, but since Riku and Iori work in a different part of Tokyo than Mitsuki and Tenn, they don't live close. Mitsuki sees the two sometimes - he works at his bakery, but sometimes does business with Iori and Rikus office building. Tenn works at his friend's family business - a tech company. Iori and Riku work in game development - Iori as a project producer and Riku is the head of the design team.

"Hey! It isn't all my fault, who was the one who kept kissing me before we left!" Riku snapped back, making Tenn glare in his direction as well.

"Ok, ok, you're even then!" Mitsuki laughed. "Let's go before they close the stores."

Tenn, who was previously fussing over Riku, disappeared from hi brother's side, and was standing next to Mitsuki now. Holding hands, they walked ahead.

"We should go too, Iori." Riku extended his hand to the younger boy. Iori nodded, and took his lover's hand, before they both chased down the other couple.

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