We stood in the airport about to go our separate ways.

"I guess this is goodbye for now" I placed my head on his chest with my hands on his waist.

"I guess so" Chris spoke as he kissed my head.

I looked up at him and kissed him. The kiss lasting a little longer than it should've considering we were in a public place and soon people were probably going to recognise us.

"I love you Captain Britain"

"I love you too Captain America"

I saluted towards him as a goodbye and he returned the salute.

We walked our separate ways to our own flights.

I was sad but I was also looking forward to seeing Marvel again, I really missed him.

As I was queuing up for my flight I received a message from Chris.

Hey, don't forget to message me once you land, so I know you're home safe. Xx

I will do . Have a safe flight. Xx

You too. xx

The flight was actually quite good, an exciting thing happened, someone recognised me, and normally that would've scared the shit out of me but she was the loveliest girl I have ever met. So that made the journey a bit less boring. To be honest though I already missed Chris, I know it sounds sad and clingy but we had spent the last 4months together, so being apart does not feel natural.

My flight landed about 6pm and I was starving. My brother picked me up from the airport and on the way back we got McDonald's. While in the car I messaged Chris.

Hey love, I've landed and I'm in the car with my brother, hope your flight went well too. Xx

I'm glad you're home safe and yes my flight was good thank you, say hello to Josh for me please. I'm just at my Moms now catching her up on everything mainly about you to be honest. Xx

That's lovely, I feel honoured, tell I said hi please xx

As I sent the messaged I then started to get a face time call from Chris. So of course I answered it.

"You can tell her yourself" he chuckled down the phone. And then turned the camera to Lisa.

"Hiya Lisa!" I spoke.

"Hey lovely, how are you?"

"I'm good thank you, you?"

"Happier now my sons back, but I was sad that he came alone, we hope to see you again soon"

"I do too, I love it in Boston, but maybe you guys could come down here at some point?"

"We would love too"

"I would love to chat more but I am extremely tired, but I'm sure I'll talk to you guys soon, bye"

Lisa said goodbye and Chris turned the phone back to him.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, I miss you and love you"

"I miss and love you too love, bye"


Before the call ended all I heard was Lisa saying "awwww" as she her our goodbyes. It was cute to hear and I truly do hope they come to visit soon.

The next day I get a call from Gina inviting herself over to mine, so we could have a catch up, after the last time we saw each other was when we invited them to set. It had been a few months and I missed her so much. I loved how she would often invite herself over as I always loved her company. She is the best best friend anyone could ever ask for.

After my day with Gina, she went home and I tidied up. It was now around 1am, when Gina comes we are always up talking for hours. I was ready for sleep. As I was getting ready for bed I heard a noise come from downstairs. I slowly began walking down my stairs when I saw a female, about 30years old staring back at me.

"Who are you?" I shouted with terror in my voice.

This women had broken into my home.

"Chris's future wife but you're in the way at the moment so I need to do something about that" she gave me a sly smile.

I went to run up stairs but she pulled a gun out and shot a bullet above my head.

"Oh no, you're coming with me" she smirked.

"Why are you doing this? Where are we going?"

"You stole Chris and I want to marry him"

"How did you know where I lived?"

"That's for me to know and you to never find out" she cackled.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to her. The gun being pressed against my back as we walked out into the darkness of the night.

She had a car and she tied my hand behind my back and blindfolded me and harshly pushed me into the back seat.

We were in the car for what felt like hours, having no clue where I was going. I was terrified. What was going to happen me me. For what felt life hours later we stopped and she dragged me out the car. She took my blindfold off and walked me into an abandoned building.

I had no idea where I was. I was scared, cold and stressed.

She pulled me on to a chair and tied me up. Still holding the gun in her hand she pointed it at me.

"So where is he?" She asked.

"Who?" Obviously I knew who she meant but I thought I would pull her leg a bit.

"Your "boyfriend" Chris Evans" she air quoted boyfriend.

"Not in the UK if that's what you mean?"

"Well we will have to wait for him to come looking for you then" she giggled.

I felt tears in my eyes, I had no idea what was to come.

"Soon he'll be all mine, he won't even remember you"

She left the room and looked the door.

What a lovely way to spend my time off work.

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