Meet Luke

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Alpha's POV

Its been about a week since i learned Kyra can see ghost too. we shared some of or experience's, she has seen a demon! I would have been freaking out if that happend to me! We are closer than we have ever been, and i dont have to hide my secret from her anymore, Yay! anyway Kyra isn't in town, her family left for a vacation today. she'll be back in a few days.

"Rinnggggg...Rinngg" i hear the phone and run to answer it

"Hello" i say and soon realize it was kyra.

We talk for a while, until her parents call her to eat dinner. After i hang up I go down stairs, and start to make a sandwich. When i see the ghost from a couple days ago show up in my kitchen again! I stare for a minute, he does to until...

"Will you help me?" He talked! he really talked!

"W-What do... Who Are you?" i studded

"I'm Luke, i need help" he says

"Oh, OK L-Luke wha-what do you need" i ask him

"I need you to help me communicate with my parents" he says

"N-No they'll think I'm crazy! I cant be sent to a mental asylum! i just cant!" i say fastly

"C'mon please, help me!" he says loudly

"I cant" i say as i tear up

"Just think about it" He says then disappears.

A Paranormal Love story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now