Chapter 15 - J. K. S. E.

Start from the beginning

"Absolutely.  You saved not only my wife and daughter but my best friend as well." Chris's eyes shined.

Kat cuddled Julia for a few more minutes before she started to cry from hunger.  Sebastian and Kat exited the room to give Savannah some privacy.  They headed to Kat's office.

"Katie, what is going on in your head?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I can see the wheels turning Kat."  They entered her office and closed the door.

Kat sat her desk and turned to look at the window, unable to look at Sebastian. "I killed him," she whispered.  

"Whoa, hey no, you didn't."  Sebastian got up and knelt next to Kat. "It was an accident."

"But I pushed him." Kat could feel the tears building behind her eyes. "I just wanted to protect Savannah."

"And you did Kat, look at me."  When Kat refused to look at him, he leaned his head onto her hands. "Katie, you have to understand that it was an accident.  You didn't know he was going to slip.  Its not like you planned it.  The police understand that. C'mon Katie, look at me."  Kat finally looked at his face. "He did this to himself."

The tears started to fall again. "Sebastian," she threw herself into his arms.  "I thought I was going to lose you.  When he threaten you and Grace..."

Sebastian wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back. "I know frumoasa. I was right there with you. That call was the scariest call I have ever had."

"I didn't know what to do.  I panicked and I just called you."

"You did great.  You were so brave. Chris and Jamie obviously think so." He kissed Kat's hands.  "Maybe you should call your therapist?  It's been a very exciting day frumoasa."

"I will.  I just needed some time to process.  Can you take me home?"

"Of course.  We'll take a bath and cuddle afterwards, ok?  The kids are with Lisa until Chris and Jamie come home with Julia-Kathryn."

"I can't believe they named her after me."

"It's an awesome feeling isn't?"

"Yes," a smile finally gracing Kat's face.  "But I like that they kept the male middle name thing up.  Its so cute.  I bet Scott is thrilled."

"I don't think he knows yet.  I'll ask Chris to wait until we are there with him to tell him." He reached out for Kat's hand.  "C'mon pisi.  Time to get you home."

"Thanks love."  Sebastian wrapped an arm around Kat, she leaned her head onto his shoulder, and they walked out of the office when two officers approached.  "Dr. Crawford?"


"Hello, I'm Detective Daniels, this is Detective Owens from Sudbury PD.  We have a few questions about the incident from earlier today."

"Ok. Sure, follow me."  Kat moved with Sebastian to an empty waiting room.

"I think we should do this alone, Doctor." He glanced at Sebastian, noticing the arm around her waist.

Kat frowned at suggestion. "I have nothing to hide and I would like my boyfriend to be there."

The detectives looked at each other.  "Fine."  The detective took a seat across from Kat and Seb.  "Dr. Crawford, you knew the suspect that died in the Evans home?"

"Yes.  We were previously in a relationship." Kat felt Seb tense under her hand.  She gave it a squeeze of reassurance.

"We understand that you, Mr. Evans, his family and Mr. Stan all had a restraining order against Mr. Pratt?"

"Yes, since January."

"Were you aware that Mr. Pratt filed motions to have the restraining order lifted yesterday with proof that you wanted to maintain a relationship with him?" The detectives watched carefully at Kat's response.

Kat's jaw hit the floor.  "I'm sorry, what are you saying?" Sebastian asked. He couldn't wrap his mind around what the detectives were saying either.

"The papers filed with Superior Court yesterday morning show proof of messages between Dr. Crawford and Mr. Pratt indicating that she wanted a relationship with him to continue."  He holds up a folder with documents inside.

"That's not possible.  I haven't had any communication with him since before Christmas." Kat shook her head at the words, Sebastian feeling her tremble in his hand.  "No, I haven't talk to him.  No text, nothing."

"Regardless Dr. Crawford, we have to investigate the fall as a homicide now rather than self-defense."

Both Kat and Sebastian had a wave of fear run over them. Kat whispered, "What does that mean?"

"It means that you are not allowed to leave the state of Massachusetts while the investigation is still ongoing.  You are hereby named a suspect into the murder of Christopher Michael Pratt."

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