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"Pretty good, my ass

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"Pretty good, my ass." Tommy scoffed at Y/N's reply confidently as he stood across from her, his wooden sword still drew. "Have you had any experience with fighting? Other then mobs of course."

"No, I-" she began getting cut off. "Fight me and I'll show you how to use a sword." Y/N blinked at the blond boy and looked over at Wilbur, the brown-haired boy stared at Tommy for a few moments before letting out a sigh and nodding to his sister. "Just don't stab each other alright? They may be wooden but they can still be sharp."

"How about you use shields too?" Fundy asked, leaning over the log he was seated on beside Eret, his head propped up on his arms that were leaning onto his knees. "I have a few inside if you want them," Eret offered.

Tommy's eyes lit up and he nodded, "Yes, right, yes I'll have the shields." Y/N stared curiously at Tommy, wondering why he was happy about using shields. Eret stood up and headed into the van, returning with two wooden shields in both hands- passing one to either.

"Thanks," Y/N nodded to him and he smiled softly and sat down beside Fundy again. Y/N loosely attached the shield to her non-dominant arm, not exactly sure how to do it and looked up for reference from Tommy but he was already done, watching her silently. Y/N breathed out through her nose and fiddled with it once more before she thought it looked alright and took the other wooden sword that was discarded on the ground and pointed it towards Tommy. The blond boy did the same, smirking and nodding to Wilbur.

Wilbur sat up straight and took a breath in. "Three," he began, eyes narrowing as he stared at the two sixteen-year-olds. "Two," Both of them tensed, locking eyes. "One.." Y/N lowered her stance and shifted her dominant leg forward which gave her the ability to move quickly and in any direction.

"Start," Wilbur announced and Tommy charged forward quickly, swing the sword towards her with a fore-swing and Y/N quickly blocked it with her own swing of the blade and as the two swords met both sides put some force behind it, causing the swords to move and eventually break apart and Y/N stepped back, preparing to block with the shield next attack.

Tommy stepped back as well, analysing the situation and the way Y/N held the shield and he guessed that was her next move so he swiftly charged forward and shoved into her shield with his own and aimed his sword around her shield.

Y/N was quick to react and move her shield to where the sword was and block it but staggered back as he shoved her back with his shield and just barely being able to stay on her feet but felt the shield come loose.

Tommy with a final fore-swing and back-swing he managed to dislodge it causing it to fall to the ground and kicking it away from Y/N, his eyes finally meeting her own once again with a calm look that Y/N had never seen before and in this situation, it confused her.

Y/N knew she was in trouble here, without her shield she was defenceless and hadn't managed to land a single blow so she decided to copy what he had done and charged forward quickly but as he raised the shield to block she swerved to the side and hit around the shield, the blade colliding with Tommy but not with much force behind it but he moved quickly to attack back with his sword and the two swords met, sticking together and Y/n knew what was coming next as he looked down towards her legs but couldn't exactly stop herself from falling as he kicked her ankles and she hit the ground. Tommy pointed the sword down at her neck and then stepped back, reaching a hand out to pull her back up.

"Tommy, I haven't seen you so focused on a fight in so long- that was so cool!" Tubbo beamed and stood up, racing over to his friend. Tommy blinked for a few moments, his eyes trailing away from Y/N to him with a dazed look before it finally cleared. "huh? oh, right- yeah, I just decided this time,"

"You're good with a shield," Y/N complimented the blond and he looked over with a nod, a smirk making its way back onto his face. "I am- I am the best in the smp with the shield." Y/N chuckled. "You should teach me, I've never used a shield before."

"I could tell," Tommy commented, smirking and looking over at Wilbur. "Can we go eat something? I'm starved."

"I made sandwiches this morning, we can have these." Fundy chimed in, pulling a bag from behind the log onto his lap and pulling out some containers with sandwiches in them and passing one to each of us. "They're all lettuce, ham and tomato hope you don't mind." he smiled and started to eat his sandwich, tail wagging behind him.

Y/N left the sword on the ground and sat back down beside her brother, Tommy and Tubbo joining them on the same log across from Fundy's and Eret's. "So, Y/N do you have any hobbies?" Eret asked, making small-talk before taking a bite of his food staring at the girl through his black shades. "Well, I know how to play the guitar due to Wilbur and I think that's my only hobby- My life is pretty boring."

"But that isn't boring, I can play the ukelele and it's really fun!" Tubbo grinned at Y/N. "Do you have any other questions?" she asked Eret and he nodded. "You've been staying with Dream right? Who have you met so far?"

"Oh, I know the whole of DreamTeam and Bad and I also met Purpled this morning- not the best first impression with him though." Y/N informed. "What do you mean?"

"He thought I was some random person stealing stuff since I got Dream's swor-"

"You have Dream's sword?!" they exclaimed at once and she jumped, startled by the sudden outburst. "I-I- yes I do," she replied and pulled the glowing black sword from the sheath on her back. They all gawked at it and Wilbur reached his hand out to it and touched the blade lightly recoiled quickly, a small cut appearing on his finger with blood dripping from it. "That's definitely it," he confirmed.

"Why did he give it to you?" Tommy asked, leaning towards her curiously. "He said he made a new one with better enchants, he gave me a few different things but they're on Ghost's bag."

"a new one? he must be really gearing up for this war." Wilbur muttered, glaring at the sword. "what else did he give you?"

Y/N whistled and Ghost's head shot up from eating and he approached fairly quickly and as Y/N stood up and met him she pulled the bags out and opened them. "Let's see," she hummed and rummaged through it. "Arrows, food, wheat and a few diamonds."

"What? really?" Fundy asked in disbelief, "Why would he do that?"

"He gave it to before he found out I was Wilbur's sister but he didn't take anything back," she told him and shrugged. "So, what're we gonna do now?"

Wilbur stood up and gestured towards Fundy and the fox boy wandered over. "I have to talk with Fundy for a little while- Tommy, Eret you're in charge of Y/N, teach her some more fighting techniques."

"What? Why me? I have something I need to do!" Tommy asked while Y/N shot a look at Wilbur. "Stop making me sound so young, I'm the same age as him!" she pointed back at Tommy.

Wilbur only shrugged and walked away with Fundy.

"You're annoying, I need to go do something," Tommy said to Y/N and walked past her, towards the direction of his base.

Eret and Tubbo smiled back at Y/N

"Let's go over here and practice," Eret suggested, picking up both wooden swords and leading them over towards an open area outside of the walls of l'manberg.

six feet under • tommy x fem!reader (Original Version; Reuploaded)Where stories live. Discover now