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It was the weekend now, and I wasn't with Jesse or Asa. Jesse told me that they were going to be taking care of business. He said he'll try to check in, but it's a chance he won't because he'll be busy. I understood that, mainly because Asa was giving me updates. I was making sure I had everything I need for class because I started on Tuesday. That way, I can leave out and get whatever I need on Sunday or Monday.

I had my headphones on making me a sandwich, when I heard something bump. Not really worried about it, I continued to make my sandwich, until I heard it again.

I took my headphones off and tried to listen for the sound again. I heard it downstairs, so I grabbed a knife I stole from Jesse and slowly moved that way. I texted Asa letting him know, that I think someone is trying to get into my house. I continued on my way and got to the bottom of the stairs, I heard the bump again. It was coming form the bathroom, so I slowly opened the door. It was completely dark in the bathroom, which is odd. I always have the plug in light on so it won't be dark. I knew something was up.

I hurried and closed the door to the bathroom, running back up the stairs to get my phone. Letting Asa know that someone was in my house, and I don't know where they are. As soon as I pressed send, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand, I looked over my shoulder quickly. The last thing I saw was the chrome skull mask.

I just arrived to the warehouse with the girl of the hour in the back. Every since my doll been complaining about her, I just knew I had to see for myself. She is exactly as described, a money hungry bitch. She was easy to catch too, I guess she remembered seeing me in the bookstore. Once we got to the warehouse, she regained consciousness because she started to pound on the trunk of the car. I got out and opened the trunk, wagging my finger at her, I hit her with the handle of my knife, knocking her out again.

I drug her body inside the building, putting her in a coffin, making sure it's closed good. I went to go see what Asa was up to. He had someone on a table, looking paralyzed.

He pulled out his phone and handed it to me, unlocking the phone, I saw Rayvn's messages.

I have Asa his phone back then looking at my phone, checking the security cameras. At first I didn't see anything, until I saw her looking suspicious. She grabbed a knife, the knife I've been looking for, and headed towards her stairs. Not too long after, she ran back up grabbing her phone. That's when someone came behind her, she turned around, but they knocked her out.

"Preston, that fucking idiot. I will kill him!" I thought to myself, fisting balling on instinct.

I stormed out heading to her place, hoping to catch him on his way out. I sped my way there, when I got to her place, it was empty.

"Goddammit!" I slammed my hand down on her counter, cracking it a little.

I already knew where he was taking her, so I got back to my car and drove back to the warehouse.

Speeding all the way there, I got there in record time.

I went to Asa first.

"Have you seen Preston?" I asked, he shook his head.

I went to Spann next, she was in the office, looking over everything.

"Where is Preston?" I asked her.

"He's in the main room, why what's wrong?" She asked.

I ignored her grabbing my chain blades off the wall, taking long strides to get there.

Once I got there, I saw blood all on the floor, I looked up and saw him in her face.

He was covering her body, so I couldn't see the damage, but her eyes were closed, and she was looking pale. I hope she didn't think that was me, doing all of this to her.

I threw the knives into Preston's shoulders, effectively knocking him back and on to the floor. The mask knocked off of his face, while he grunted.

"Fuck you, fuck you, I've done everything for you. FUCK YOU!" He said while I dragged him on the floor, closer to me.

"That little, fucking bitch don't love you and you know that. You're too weak to do what I do." He tried to swing at me, so I grabbed his arm, wrapping it in a chain.

"Motherfucker!" He tried to swing again, I grabbed hi other arm wrapping it up.

I looked down at him, tilting my head, then dragged him across the floor. That’s when reality set in with him.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Don't! Don't! Don't! Come on!" He pleaded as I dragged him to the gate.

"This is a mistake! You're making a mistake, can we just talk about this please? Please! Can we talk about this?" He pleaded once more.

I threw the chains over the gate, securing him on the sides, I pulled him up the side of the gate. So he hung there, just like she was, but on the other side.

"I know you, right? I know you, I know you better than anyone else fucking knows you." I listened to him.

I pointed towards my doll, who I finally got to look at all bloodied.

"I fucked up, okay! I fucked up alright?" I grabbed the chain above him to put around his neck.

He continued to pleaded his case.

"Cut me some slack, alright? Just cut me some slack." He said.

"I'll cut you some slack alright." I thought to myself.

I walked away from him, and I heard his voice perk up.

"Hey! Hey, you can teach me, okay? Just teach me everything you know, I'll start from the ground floor. I swear to God, I fucked up man! I'm sorry!" His voice was starting to crack.

I could care less about what he has to say to me.

"Will you teach me?" He asked.

I gave him a nod, preparing to slice his throat wide open.

I opened my eyes, feeling pain everywhere, yet I was numb. I heard the imposter Jesse talking to me, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. Everything was blurry, I was dizzy, it was hard to keep my eyes open. I was in and out, but I remember hearing him hit the floor. Next time I opened my eyes, he was on the gate, next to me, on the other side of the gate door. That's when I saw him.

"Jesse." I tried to call out.

His head snapped over to me, and he showed he had his knives in his hands. He ran over to me, putting my face in his hands.

"Hi baby." I manage to give him a weak smile.

He rubbed his hands all over me, examining all the cuts and shallow stab wounds I had.

"Can you get me down?" I asked him.

As Jesse was getting me down, I saw Asa come into view by the doorway, he speed over to me as well.

"What happened here?" Asa growled.

Jesse just looked over to Preston, which made Asa snarl, walking over to Preston.

Asa started to deliver body shots to him, knocking him out once he started to punch him in the face.

My arms didn't have any feeling in them, but Jesse just held me on the ground.

He pulled out his phone and shakily typed a message.

"I need to finish up here, once I'm done, I'll be home to you." It said.

"Okay, that's fine." I said as I closed my eyes again.

When I opened my eyes, I was in Jesse's bed, the woman, Spann, was wrapping my arms up.

"I hope you're feeling okay, I have you some powerful pain medication. So you may still feel drowsy." Spann said.

"Is Jesse back?" I asked her.

"No, he's on his way. Can I let you know something?" She said.

"Can I tell you something first?" I looked at her.

"What?" She asked.

"If I see you touching Jesse again, I'll chop your fingers off and sew them to your forehead." I said it nonchalantly.

"I'm glad we're on the same page, I'd do anything for my boss. I'll be damned if I see him hurt again." She said.

"I'm going back to sleep, Preston is a dick." I muttered before I went to sleep again.

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