"Yep, not looking forward to it," She said smiling. 

"But why are you smiling?" Cedric asked. 

"She is hiding the pain," Harry said and Y/n nodded still smiling. 

"I am crying on the inside," She said and Cedric looked concerned for her. 

After telling Cedric Y/n and Harry walked back to the castle and on their way, they met Walmart Barbie who was sitting on a tree. 

"Potter!" Malfoy said Harry and Y/n turned around to look at him. "My father and I have a bet you see, I think you won't ten minutes in the tournament he disagrees, he thinks you won't last five," he grinned and jumped down from the tree. 

"I don't give a damn about what your father thinks Malfoy," Harry said. "He is vile and cruel and you're just pathetic," he said turning around and taking Y/n by the arm, who was so proud of him. 

Draco took out his wand to hex Harry but before he could Moody came out of nowhere and turned Draco into a ferret. 

"How dare you curse someone when their back is turned?" Moody said. Y/n and Harry turned around to see Moody bouncing a ferret in the air. "You stinkin, cowardly, scummy," The students around all started to laugh at Malfoy the bouncing ferret, then McGonagall came. 

"Professor Moody, w-what are you doing?" she asked looking at Moody. 

"Teaching," Moody said casually still bouncing the ferret in the air. 

"Is that a student?" McGonagall asked with a worried expression on her face. 

"Technically it's a ferret," Moody said and put the ferret inside of Crabbe's pants, who was freaking out.

 Goyle put his hands in Crabbe's pants and tried to take the ferret out which didn't work and Goyle got his fingers bitten by the ferret. The ferret came out of Crabbe's pants from the bottom and when he did McGonagall turned him back into a human. 

Malfoy got up and said. "My father will hear about this!" 

"Is that a threat? Is that a threat?" Moody asked and Malfoy ran away. "I can tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair boy," he called as Malfoy ran farther away. 

"Alastor," McGonagall said in a stern voice. "We never use transfiguration as a punishment, I am sure Dumbledore has told you that," 

"He might have mentioned it," Moody muttered. 

"Well next time try your best to remember it," McGonagall said. "All of you get back to your work," she said turning around to face the students and everyone went away. 

"That was the best day ever, I can't wait to tell Ron about it," Harry said smiling but when he realized what he had said, he stopped smiling. "I meant I can't wait to tell Hermione about it," 

"Harry, talk to Ron because he is your best friend and you miss him," Y/n said. 

"I don't miss him besides I have you and Hermione," Harry said. 

"You annoying little piece of shit," Y/n said under her breath. "Fine do whatever you want," she said rolling her eyes and walking away. 

"Hey, where are you going?" Harry called. 

"To practice some spells," Y/n said and left. 

~At the Lupin Cottage (October 31, 1994)~

The Lupin Cottage was awfully quiet today, normally the house is filled with music and laughter and stories but it wasn't a bad sort of quiet it was more of a comforting and calming one, and even without speaking Remus and Sirius shared a lot of words. 

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