inheritance & new friend

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It was a peaceful night at NUMBER 4 privet drive . Everyone was sleeping in the neighborhood except a young girl who was looking at a broken but  working clock .she was looking and counting the time until it was her birthday day.

Harriet pov

I was looking at the clock and waiting for it to be 12
Just a few more second till it my birthday. I was kinda of sad because Ron and Hermione didn't write to me this summer .I honestly don't think they want to be my friends anymore. Anyway 5....4....3...2..1
Suddenly a harsh pain hit me  and it was hurting so much .


With all of the pain Harriet fainted .
       The next day
Harriet woke up but she was feeling different,she took one of the broken mirror on her dresser and realized that she can see without her glasses. And the fact that her hair and everything is different.

Harriet pov

While I was looking at myself
I noticed two owls outside my window.
So I went to get it
The first one was a letter and a box
I decided to open the letter
And it was from MALFOY!?

Dear Harriet
I know you are really surprised right since you just got a letter from me ,the guy who is making you life miserable at school  and I'm really sorry I know this mean nothing but I promise I will earn your forgiveness.
And happy birthday there is a little surprise in the box.
Now the real reason why I wrote to you is because I have to tell you something I heard my father and the dark lord talking about something I can't tell you on the letter

So pls meet me at the leaky cauldron and I will explain everything.

Draco lucius Malfoy
Heir of the noble house Malfoy
I was shocked after done reading the letter . Draco Malfoy apologizing to me and wants to meet . Those three are on their summer vacation so I think I would be able to meet him. Now let see what in this box.

After I opened the box I saw a beautiful necklace

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After I opened the box I saw a beautiful necklace . Malfoy had good taste . After that I opened the other letter and it looks like it was from gringrots.

Dear miss potter
We are pleased to hear that you went through your creature Inheritance last night
Please come to the bank so we can help you . The letter is a port key just say  " gold" and it will take you to us.
                        Gringrots bank
After reading the letter
I went to get ready and I went to th bathroom and my hair was longer than before and I had black and white wings behind me . And I started imagination me without the wings and it disappeared .
After I was relief and went to take a bath and all of that stuff .

After I was relief and went to take a bath and all of that stuff

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Her hair and wings

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Her hair and wings.

After getting ready I pack all of my stuff in the trunk and shrink it and I let out Hedwig .
After that I grab the letter and said gold.
A few seconds later I appeared in gringrots.

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Harriet walk up to the front desk and did the tradition greetings to the goblin .
After explaining why she was there . Harriet was sent to a room with the potter account manager and they started the papers

Ok miss potter pls cut your palm and let three drop of blood on the paper 📜  said the goblin.
After doing that . The blood turning into words
Name: Harriet Evan potter

Father: James Potter( killed by Dumbledore)

Mother: lily Evan potter(killed by Dumbledore)

Magic core: dark & more than Merlin himself

Creature Inheritance: angel /hybrid

Mate: unknown

Block and potions

Force trust to: Albus Dumbledore ,molly Weasley,Ron Weasley, Hermione granger (broken)

Hate potion : to Malfoy family
,Tom riddle,dark side , Slytherin. (20%)

Love potion : applied by ginny Weasley (broken)




Rest is too many to name

Potter vaults : 200 gallon taken out by Albus Dumbledore

300 gallon to taken out by molly Weasley, Ron Weasley Hermione granger and ginny Weasley.
( I'm not doing all of that but half of the Weasley family is taking money out of Harriet bank).
Harriet pov

I was so mad after reading the paper.
Dumbledore killed my parents and blamed Voldemort.
I want all of the block and potions of me and I want them to pay me back in interest!

Ok miss potter .

Time skip
After getting the block and potions off. I went to meet draco at the leaky cauldron.

Harriet: hey Malfoy ! Thank you for the gift!

Draco: hey Harriet and no problem like I said in the letter I want to earn your forgiveness!

Harriet: you don't have to
Because Dumbledore was manipulating me!

Draco: what!

Harriet : yep I just found out a few minutes ago!

Draco : oh so is this the good time to tell you that the light and the dark side are forming a peace treaty where you have to marry the dark lord...

Harriet: WHAT!  It was Dumbledore idea right?

Draco: yeah... I'm sorry Harriet

Harriet :you know what it fine I rather marry tom then be Dumbledore golden girl😒😒

Draco: wait what?

Harriet: Dumbledore killed my parents ,tom was there that night to protect them.

Draco: 😨😨 so Dumbledore is the bad guy!

Harriet: yep! Anyway I have to go back to privet drive or Dumbledore will know something is up and thank you so much for telling me draco !


Draco: .... friends

          To be continued

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