Chapter 1

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Quick A/N: It may be two chapters in till the main event.

Colleen's POV-

Joshua was getting a call during dinner and I just stared at the kids. Noah just looked at his phone screen, oh, 17 year olds. Jacey, our 13 year old, just ate and started rambling about makeup and vidcon.  Lily started talking about  soccer. Her soccer team was in a tournament. She was the youngest on her team, she was 9 in a 9-12 team.

Josh came back into the kitchen with.... a face.

Joshua's POV-


The office phone rang LOUD.

"I'll get it babe."  I told Colleen.

"Ok." She said

I got on the phone and a man wanted me to go on tour. Just me. No one else. "I don't know" I told him. "I missed my first childs birth on The Shadow Tour." He gave it his all to  convince me and I just said something simple." Let me and my wife talk about it. " and I hung up the call.

I came back in the kitchen with  a happy/confused face.

"What was that?" Colleen said

"  a talent agent wants me  on tour. Alone. Today is September 31, and he wants me on tour through October 30th to April 30th. A year and a half."

"What about Christmas?" Colleen asked

"I know. What should we do?" I said.

"Do it."

"Colleen Mae Evans, I don't want to miss Christmas with the best family ever. I won't be in Jaceys YouTube videos. She is very good at advertising me. I can't be able to go to vidcon with you and her. I can't help Noah at schoolwork. I can't help Lily practice soccer."

"I can do that Josh. Please. You love music, and you love touring. Do it for me."

"I don't know Colleen."

"Joshua David Evans. You care about our family. I know I am touring too but Noah can take care of them. Do it for the family."

"Fine. I will call him tomorrow." I caved in.

"Okay baby."

We made our way to our bed and went to sleep.

How is my story? Do you like it? I have a good plot so the story won't be crazy. I hope you enjoyed.

    -  Daisy, a.k.a., WriteAboutAnything

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