MLAndersen0 - Information

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Micheal: He seems to have a second persona called Patrick. Patrick says he's saving Micheal from killing himself, which he is doing. From the age of (——) to now Micheal has spent 16 years in a mental hospital. He started the video dairy's for his doctor to keep tabs on him, he was also given pills. He subconsciously wrote VIRUS in his dream journal along with he also found a red tie and dream catcher on his bed after hearing strange noises. From the point that he tied up Shaun he has been taken over by his Patrick persona, and from the point of Patrick warning Stormy will die it has been the Micheal persona. He like Patrick seems to have time problems as seen in the latest video, he didn't know what was happening or where he was.

Patrick: Patrick as stated above took over Micheal to save him from killing himself, which Micheal was doing by overdosing and cutting. He has a persona somewhat like HABIT's except more to the point and serious. Patrick gets violent at points and seems to have time problems as most in these situations do.

Dreams: He dreamed he woke up in an alley way (in black and white) he couldn't move there was a object in alley way black and tall supposedly grandfather clock. Sense of dread as he walked toward clock, he touched it and loud ringing noise. This happened after he took the pills. He has this dream frequently, becoming more dark. Later he dreamt about parents and going to the park he would visit frequently as a kid, everyone disappeared, was being dragged by the back of the shirt, ended up back in the alley, could move, walked to the 'clock'.

Shaun: Shaun is Micheal's brother. He knows more than he leads on. He believes that the tall guy cant be stopped, and they have no way to stop him. He claims that "it wont stop until you forget about it. And you need to forget about it. It wont stop." Shaun was trying to staying away from Micheal to avoid conflicts with him but obviously that hasn't worked out.

Has been attacked by: Micheal and Eric were attacked by the tall guy. Eric has no memory of this event.

Has come in contact with: Shaun has come in contact with Eric and been with him somewhat from the start until Patrick intervened. He then contacted Stormy, a former friend or Micheal's from the mental institute, Stormy has since been killed. Shaun has also come in contact with Vinne from EverymanHYBRID in which HABIT kidnapped and interrogated Shaun with the help of Vinnie.

The Clock: It seems to be centered around a strange clock Shaun and Micheal found when they were kids. Patrick says Shaun needs to wake up and remember. The clock had a bunch of weird symbols in it and Micheal said the day he took the hands off the clock is the day he 'attacked' Shaun and was sent to a mental institute. This Clock seems to be one of a number of items that look like there from this world, that 'blend in', but aren't from here. They provide somewhat of protection to the tall guy. As of the time Micheal took the hands off the clock there has been a small hole in the 'fence of protection' these items provide.

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