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Hi, readers.

Before you start reading my story, just to inform you I am not really good at English. Sorry if got a lot of grammar mistake. Hope you like my story


Éérh... Éérh... Éérh... Éérh... Éérh

The sound of a baby crying shocked the whole house. The duke enters the room and straight away goes to his wife's side. His face shows a happy face and it seems like he tried to control himself from crying.

"Thank you, dear for giving birth to a beautiful daughter and to stay by my side." say the duke while kissing his wife. Love can be seen from both the couple. 

"Dear, I want to see my baby daughter." say the duchess. The nurse came with the baby and gave her to the duchess. 

"My baby, you look so tiny and cute. I hope you grow well and be a good daughter. We love you, my baby." The duke smile to his wife and daughter and kiss his daughter's forehead.

"So, dear, are you sure you want to name her Clara." duke's say.

"Yes, the name is cute and very suitable for our baby daughter. Thank you, Clara, for being born for us. we will love you always." the duchess reply. 

The spouse are very happy because at first, the duchess could not give birth, as she is not very well. But, she endured it after she found out that she was pregnant. The duke at first did not agree with it, but after a while, he agreed and tried his best to take care of his wife and the baby.

As time went on, the couple raised the child lovingly. All the workers in the house also loved the baby and took care of her like a princess. The girl grew up and became cute and beautiful as time passed.

----- 7 Year later -----

"Baby, don't run. Later you fall down," says the duchess. 

But, Clara did not listen to what her mother said. Suddenly, she fell. The sound of crying was heard. The duchess looks at that crying sound, and she immediately goes to her daughter's side.

"See, mother already said. This is what happens, you never listen," the duchess say. 

The duchess carried her daughter to the nearest bench. She checks her hand and blood can be seen from her daughter's hands as Clara tries to protect her face when falling down. She asks the maid to take medicine, and the maid goes and takes the medicine. After 3 minutes, the maid comes back with a box that contains medicine inside it, and gives it nicely to the duchess.

"Clara, next time, please be careful. Listen to what your parents say. You know that we want the best for you, right."  

Clara nod and say, "Yes, mother. I promise I will listen to what you said."

The duchess has always loved her daughter but she never spoil Clara and taught her good manner. If Clara shows unrespect behavior, the duchess advised her and told her the consequences if she kept on behaving like that. The Duchess also reminded her husband to never spoil their daughter.

"Clara, do you want to hear a story." Clara nodded. The duchess smiles, and continue, "There is a story, this story tells about a girl who lives a hard life with her grandmother. But she never gave up despite being looked down upon, and always took care of her grandmother. One day, a marquess saw the girl and decided to take care of the girl. He brought the girl and her grandmother to stay with him because his wife and son passed away when giving birth to her son. His son also died after 1 year as he had health problems. The marquess takes care the girl as his daughter but she never forgets her origin. She always kind to the people around her, and never treat them bad, even though they are the workers in the marquess house. When the girl was sent to school to study, she was like by everyone. Even the prince likes the girl. But some girls felt jealous, and one of them was the prince's fiancé. They bully the girl and threaten her to never go near the prince or the famous boys in the school or else they will do something bad to her. But the prince knew what the girls were planning. He gave warning to them and his fiancé to never disturb the girl that he likes. But his fiancé never listened and kept on bullying the girl. Once they graduated from school, the prince broke off the engagement and punished his ex-fiancé by exiling her out of the country. His ex-fiancé family was not liked by people because of what happened to their daughter. and the prince and the girl that he likes live happily ever after." 

The duchess takes a deep breath. "So, Clara, what have you learned from my story." Clara thinks for a while and answers, "We cannot be jealous and do bad things to people, or else we will be punished."

"Yes, baby. Keep it in your heart and never ever do bad things to people even though you feel jealous." said the duchess. Clara nodded.

"Mother, where did you hear the story from." Clara asked. 

"I have read it from a book," said the duchess 'A book from my past life' she continued in her heart. 

"Please tell me more about the book that mother read. It's so interesting," Clara said. 

"Sure, baby. I will keep telling you the story until you memorize it," the duchess replied.

Then, both of them laughed. The maids were happy to see the duchess and Clara smile happily. It was already evening and the duchess say, "Let's go inside. Your father maybe has returned already." Clara nodded, and both of them went inside their house.

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