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Two months later

Nessa pov
I woke up to the sound of the door opening as I slowly open my eyes letting it adjust to the light, I hear the voice of my boyfriend.

"morning baby girl" he says while sitting on the edge of the bed. "morning, why you up so early" I groan as I stretched.

"well I wanted to take you out for breakfast and I was just busy with my ep" he said, kissing me on my head before walking into the bathroom. I smile

So your probably wandering or not who my boyfriend is,but it's Jaden Holsser bitches.
Yeah after we released la di die, we got alot closer while working together than hang out after and here we happy as ever. If you worried about Josh since Jaden's his best friend we'll fuck Josh I don't give a shit. Well as for Mads, I didn't mean to but Jaden understands me and I still and will always love Mads.

Also Jaden knows that I'm pregnant and he wants to be in mine and my baby's life.


Jaden and I are cuddled up on my couch watching American Horror Story.

Ugg I'm nervous, maybe I should just spit it out, yep imma do that.

"I'm pregnant" I spoke softly almost sounding like a whisper. Ugg I hate this, my stomach is turning on the inside and his so queit.

"your what" he asked, I could feel his graze on my head like it's burning holes in the side of my head

"pregnant" I replied choking back the tears. I look down.

"Please say something" I asked still looking down. I felt his finger under my chin. He lifted my chin towards him and I locked eyes with him

"Is it Josh's" he asked softly looking at me. I nod, I bit my lip to stop my self from quivering.

I couldn't look in eyes so I admired my  lap, he just lifted my chin again forcing me me to look in his blue eyes.

"I wanna be with you in yours and your baby's life Nessa."he replied, I didn't know what to say the words weren't forming, I was shocked by his words, so instead I kissed him. He was startled but kissed back.

After a heated 20 minutes we pulled away, our foreheads touching.

"Are you sure, I mean I don't want you to do something your going to regret" I asked looking at him waiting for an answer. "There's nothing I will ever regret I Jaden Holsser want to be there for you and your unborn baby."he said smiling

I smiled back." and if you don't mind I wanna be a father figure for the baby"he said. My smile grew. I nodded.


I smiled recalling that moment. Jaden walked out his hair wet and water dripping from it on his bare chest. My eyes traced down to the towel hanging dangerously low on his waist I would be shitting myself right now if I didn't say he looked yummy.

"My eyes are up, babe" his voice echoed through the queit house, I couldn't help but blush.

I took my graze of him and admired the very interesting floor.

The next thing I know, is Jaden hovering over me.I looked up biting my lip. "You what that does to me Nessa" he warns. I giggle. "What" I asked innocently.

"Dammit, if you weren't pregnant I would fuck you so hard right now" he whispers seductively in my ear. I gulped, not gonna lie or made me wet. "To bad I am" I whispered in his. He growled.

I pushed gently and stood up and walked in the bathroom knowing he was eyeing me for sure. When I was inside I giggled to myself.

I stripped and turned on the shower to a satisfying temperature. I stepped in and the hot water instantly relaxed me.

After shower and all

Jaden waited downstairs for me while I did finally touch ups in my makeup.

I headed downstairs to see him already by the door. He gave me his hand to hold which I did as we walked out the house.

Skip to Starbucks

We walked in hand in hand, Jaden and I walked up to the barista.

"Hello how may I help you to today" the guy smiled. "Umm, can I get a iced cameral mocha and one pink drink with two croissants" Jaden replied. "Sure" the guy said while typing.

I looked around when a familiar set of eyes locked on mine. Shit it's him, ugh just great. And his with that fake barbie bitch. I mentally swore them.

Jaden noticed my uncomfortable state and he paid for the drinks and food. Than took me to a corner setting area.

"Shit, I'm sorry didn't know he was here" Jaden replied sweetly. I smiled at him "it's okay, babe, how could you" I replied reassuringly

He touched the back of my hand and then my fingers until he lifted my hand and lacing his with it.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look today" he said giving a coacky smile. "well thank you and so to do" I replied giggling

20 minutes

Jaden and I got into the car with our drinks and food. He started driving while I sat holding our things.

When we got home, I carried the food insidevamd places it on the kitchen counter.

I felt two strong arms snake around my waist pulling back, I giggled when his familiar scent entered my notrils.

"I love you Janessa so very much" he whispered in my ear. I bit my lip and slowly turned around. I looked at him and whispered back "I love you Jaden so very much" he smiled and leaned down

Our lips collides perfectly.

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